Scavenger Hunt from Life #37-B: Sep 4-12

Jo, thanks! Nice job on the covers of the CDs. Music is always so inspirational and it is great to have good songwriters.

5 - box shaped shed - watercolors and ink

6 - store front - watercolors and ink

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I wish I'd been able to see the list the day it was posted but I had no internet most of the day ... I was out for the day in the sun on a lovely little island ... ever since then everytime I go outside the weather's been awful! So I've been finding things about the house to sketch. And I'm away from home at the moment so there isn't much to find!

1) Living thing: my housemate. I've rescued him out of the bath 3 times so far. He turned round and walked off midway through the sketch, which is why his legs look odd.
2) Tastes wonderful: shortbread biscuits
3) Leaf: creeping buttercup leaf
4) Sounds wonderful: memory stick with my holiday music on
All in regular ball-point pen.

I sketch from our Univ library today. Toward left, I saw giant banyan trees outside, toward right, saw lots of books

#4 outdoor -- Banyan trees


#5 indoor -- book shelves
Kay, so glad you found some items to sketch for the hunt. Your little friend apparently wasn't too cooperative. Nicely done, especially the bag of biscuits!

Ai, nice ink sketches. I'm so used to seeing color from you. Nice ink lines!

7 - looks wonderful (a section of my friend, Pat's garden where we were sketching last night) - direct watercolor
8 - has a frame (door)

Kay: Thanks. Lovely works... cute little friend, nice bread, super leaves... and cute modern music in thumb drive

Joan: Thanks. Awesome spherical fruit. Nice indoor lines. Fantastic outdoor garden scene with nice door frame. Glorious Italian super cute shop with people... Wow... on those details of the box-shed by the pier. Well done.

Joe1: Thanks.

Jo: Thanks. Fantastic music CD... I can feel the wonderful music inside.
Thanks all.

Joan, The sheds were a great find for boxes, well done. The ice store is another when you catch me being hungry! Clever idea on the door frame. I can only think of paintings and photos.

Ai, such lovely lines on the trees and bookshelves. Applause.
#6 lots of lines in this ... laundromat roller basket... done in ink on brown paper back sketchbook. This should be my perspective homework retry next

#7 looks wonderful... a flower of New Guinea creeper from roadside cafe ( I picked one up from the ground to draw) ...done in cp, about 15-20 minutes

#8 tastes wonderful berry cheese cake ..done in directwatercolor

#9 living thing ...a moth found at our cabin ..done with cp, the real one was at bottom ...No insect was harm during this sketching...He was just stayed still long time on our cooler lid.

joe1lt, nice job on lines!
Ai, the basked has more lines than I could do, wow good job. Beautiful flower and more than yummy cheesecake. Interesting bug.

On the porch in the regular Sketchbook with a Micron 08 and colored pencil. I did mark the lines with a pencil first. Don't usually do that. Ha.
Number 3, lots of lines

Ai, thanks! Wow on all the lines in the laundry basket. Great group...and I want a slice of that cheesecake!

Jo, I couldn't resist using the door frame. lol Love the lines on the rocker and the subtle coloring.

Joe, nice digital sketch!

9 - odd shape (palm fronds) - watercolors & pencil
10 - living things (people)


11 - outdoor - watercolors


12 - flowers and leaves - watercolors and white gouache on toned paper
Joan, such great finds and sketches. I love the flowers and leaves. The flag catches my eye and the odd shape and people is so well done.
Jo: Thanks charming rocking chair
Joan: Thanks...absolutely gorgeous on all..I'm on the road so I can't used more words now

We went for 1 night to our country cabin in a mountain town 2.5 hr west of Bangkok

#10 from the mountain pleinair directwatercolor, painted from our 2nd cabin lot

Jo, thanks! You always love the sketches with the flag.

Ai, thank you. That's a lovely soft capture of the area around your cabin. It is always fun to see the photos and sketches that you post from up there.
Ai, beautiful from your mountain. Love the misty top. Applause.

Joan, thanks.

I sketched on the porch yesterday and today. I finished the Canson regular paper sketchbook, 9 x 12 inches. Another big book, been working in it since 2014. About half of it this year. Guess I had it at the bottom of the pile when working in the coffee table book. Ha.

Number 4, related to the sea - abalone shell??
Number 5, leaf
Number 6, nature - one Loblolly pine tree
Number 7, outdoors- fence and trees, lake
Number 8, living thing - hummingbirds


Jo: Thanks... love your pen works with all nature items... beautiful humming birds and shells... glad you had a great day finishing up your sketchbook