Scavenger Hunt from Life #28 -June 15 - 23

Robin Gillis

Well-known member
Hi, for the official description and rules for the Hunt please refer to Hunt #27 -

Basically it’s art made within the time of the nine days of the hunt from life forms, any medium. I would add that our best advice is to enjoy and post every little thing. Don’t worry if you don’t get around to commenting on others work or fall short of completing the list. I can guarantee you will enjoy our company. So here we go.....

#28 - Scavenger Hunt -June 15-23

a shoe
hand - position one. Challenge- drawn hand holding something
hand - position two
hand - position three
first water faucet you touched this am
bottom of something
drawn anything while you are sitting below or underneath it
listening device
picture hanging on the wall
viewed from a distance
your lap
a clock
stuff on an end table
kitchen utensil
yard tool
a gear
a chair
a table
art tool
anything outdoors
door to something other than a room or house
inside trash can
Great new list, RobinSusan! :) Thanks for hosting.

I have it stickied.
Hi, for the official description and rules for the Hunt please refer to Hunt #27 -

Basically it’s art made within the time of the nine days of the hunt from life forms, any medium. I would add that our best advice is to enjoy and post every little thing. Don’t worry if you don’t get around to commenting on others work or fall short of completing the list. I can guarantee you will enjoy our company. So here we go.....

#28 - Scavenger Hunt -June 15-23

a shoe
hand - position one. Challenge- drawn hand holding something
hand - position two
hand - position three
first water faucet you touched this am
bottom of something
drawn anything while you are sitting below or underneath it
listening device
picture hanging on the wall
viewed from a distance
your lap
a clock
stuff on an end table
kitchen utensil
yard tool
a gear
a chair
a table
art tool
anything outdoors
door to something other than a room or house
inside trash can
Great list. These are so interesting
Robin, thanks so much for the new list!

1 - hand #1 - Sketch & Wash pencil
2 - hand #2
3 - Hand #3


4 - stuff on my end table - ink


5 - clock - ink

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Here we go!! Hi everyone.

Robin, what a neat hand. We can have a contest for the most wrinkles!

Joan, you have flowing lines on your hand. Nice work. Good find on the end table. You still have a phone! We only have cell phones. I like your clock. Very descriptive lines.

I sketched from the porch in the regular sketchbook, 9 x 12 inches. A scissortail flycatcher. It sits there and hunts dragonflies and other bugs. It ran off another bird, swallow or finch, and didn't come back. I wanted to try sketching the tail open. It tolerates the cardinals, I guess they aren't competitors for the dragonflies. Micron 02

Number 1, something outdoors

Thanks, Jo. We still have a landline and when I'm home I use it more than my cell phone...and Jerry doesn't use a cell at all so he relies on it too. The clock belonged to Jerry's parents. It needs a battery and hasn't worked since we got it. lol I should look at the brochure that came with it.

6 - windows - direct watercolor
7 - anything outdoors (plants, brick wall,
8 - door to a car
Joan, really nice scene with all the windows and the wall. The car is super in direct watercolor. Wow, wow, wow.

JennieJo, mmm. I like your distance. Very mysterious. Great shading and texture.
Joan, really nice scene with all the windows and the wall. The car is super in direct watercolor. Wow, wow, wow.

JennieJo, mmm. I like your distance. Very mysterious. Great shading and texture.
Cheers Joe, not my superpower, but enjoying working on it
Good day art buddies,

Jeannie jo- very unusual vegetation, dreamy sketch

Joan- good bare bone line sketches . Fantastic how color brings out so much from a solid sketch. Lovely car watercolor

JoC - heheh… my hands always surprise me, I don’t feel so old….love fresh quality to the outdoor sketch. Totally enjoy the narrative about your bird pals .

Ai - wow, such a cool piece and a thousand thanks for the photo. I am gonna try to made both homepage regulars….the feeling of the man reaching up into the tree is beautiful
photo of bottom of a pen/marker holder I picked up at goodwill...havent found markers that don’t fit in without too much wobbly
Ai, just peeked at your blog. Really nice work and the bio says you DO play is your favorite type music to play?
Ai, just peeked at your blog. Really nice work and the bio says you DO play is your favorite type music to play?
Thanks for your kind comments ... yeah... I should get back at my age old blog.... I play about early intermediate piano... I like classic with a few contemp. pieces ... like Ballad pour Adreline,... etc. but my real fingers are not that long for piano ... and in real -life I suffers from carpal. syndrome ... due to overuse of mouse for edu multimedia prep. works ... so I have not taken more piano lessons lately (I wish).

ps. The orange hand right-most sketch (in orange) was my right-hand... I sketched it with my left-hand (non dominant) hand... so I might not have a good control of the proper length of the fingers.... Hence, you thought that I have pianist fingers.... lol. The other two sketches were done with my right hand... so a bit more better proportion and control.