Scavenger Hunt from Life #133: Oct 10 - 18

Grapes, thanks for your comments. We were in Venice last year at this time too, and it seems about the same.

Ai, nice work on the ferry and all the people. It is shaped similar to a

Got to spend a big part of the day with my brother and his wife. They are taking a cruise on the Adriatic and it leaves from Venice. It was nice that our time here overlapped since I haven’t seen them since before Covid.

I did go out in front of our apartment here and did a sketch in the morning.
11 - green plants - direct watercolor
Joan: Gorgeous windows of Venice. Great to rejoin with your brother.

It is an extra holiday in Thailand... but I feel so lazy.... eek !!!
Ai -- you got a wonderful sense of the people on the boat with direct watercolor.

Joan -- I like the colors in the "in public" one too! Nice morning direct sketch. Enjoy!

Best wishes to Jo and Gene, Fletch and Sharon.

#2 tree sometimes oak trees are all twisty and crazy looking. I got lost part way through.... I should go back and try this one again.

Ned: Thanks.... Cool amazing curvy branches.... I admire you for tackling such a challenging subject.

#4 critter ... a small snail in my garden... ink

#5 From my childhood ...yellow duck
#6 shadow
#7 free space ... vegetables (eggplant+ chilli) ...done in OP on a part of pizza box
#8 chair






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Ai, it was great to see family here. They are cruising with my sil’s siblings. I like your shading on the snail. Cute duckie and mannekin. Chair looks comfy and the veggies look good enough to eat.

Ned, if nice twisty tree. Thanks for your comments.
Brian, Joan: Thank you.

Joan: That plein air seeing St.Mark are amazing. Love all architecture, gondolas, down to the gondola masters. Welldone.
I love seeing all the beautiful work. Gene is as good as he can be. No bleeding in the stroke and got him to a good place. Rehab for his condition is usually 2-4 weeks intense at the hospital. Amazing stuff. The Parkinson’s doesn't help so we shall see. Hugs all around. Sketching some but nothing to post. Good family support. All well.
Still hanging on my InkTober2024

#2B -- another body foot...I Google up "ink sketches of a foot"...amazing stuffs I saw...Plan to practice more sketches with my body parts...

#9 geometric forms... Glasses case + nail clippers case


Ai -- the snail is cute, I like the shading and also on the mannequin. Is the pepper pastel on cardboard? It looks great! I always like ink sketches...

Joan -- I must admit I was hoping for one like St. Mark's... that's really gorgeous. I forgot about those water taxis! The belltower one has that wonderful open airy light feel to it, and the colors are excellent... feels like Venice!

Jo -- Nice to see you, hoping the best for Gene and like Ai said, take care of yourself too.

#3 gate cattle gate at the park where I walked today. I realized I was late before I got done and just kind of threw in some shading w/ the pen and super quick inkwash for the shadows...

a photo:
Ai, thanks. Everything here is fun to sketch. You find the coolest toys/games to sketch. So fun!

Jo, good to see a post from you. Sent you an email this morning through Yahoo, but it works strangely on my iPad. I can’t tell if it gets sent. Will try the next one from G-mail which I usually use for personal stuff.

Ned, thanks so much. Hope to do an actual sketch of St Marks and not just the domes. Your cattle gate came out well. It reminds me of our friend’s ranch in Texas. Lots of stuff like that.

14 - free space - watercolors and ink. (I’m pretty sure the woman and her son on the right wee sketching or painting. They kept looking up and down repeatedly and hag some long implement sticking up from their hands. I had all my materials balanced on my lap so I wasn’t going over to check.)

15 - from childhood (something to climb on) - watercolors and ink
so much wonderful art.
I wanted to write to say that I hope you are all well, I read, saw on TV, about the extremely adverse weather conditions in the USA, I'm sorry, I hope everything is fine, I'm sorry that Fletch has no electricity, but happy that he is well, which is the most important thing, a hug to everyone.
in the last month I have drawn almost nothing, (a few minutes, a couple of times in a6 sketchbook)
I don't think I will do digital drawings in the next few days, but maybe a few minutes in sketchbook on some object in the list,
eventually I will post something. Bye
I sketched in the travel sketchbook with the Acurit 3. All i have here. Numbers 1 and 2 or 2 and 3 maybe. body part-hand, game piece-Gene’s do-dad for fidgiting.

Ive really enjoyed seeing all the great sketches. I don’t like typing on the phone. All OK as can be.
Ned & Brian and all: Thank you for your kind support of my sketches.

Joan: So gorgeous details of people, tourists, locals, and beautiful places and shops in Venice. Love your freespace and from childhood sketches.

Jo: Awesome sketch of your hand and game pieces. Hugs to you and Gene.