Rose attempt


Well-known member
Hi Folks, well.... learnt a lot here. As I could not go up the hill the last couple of days, I sat on the terrace and tried to render our roses.
I learnt, my flower anatomy skills are way basic, that the pastel colours I have is too limited for these flowers, I can make mud REALLY easily, I need to learn to render fine lines without pencils.... the list is long. This was the second attempt, Im too embarassed to show the first try :)
Pastels on Canson MT, 30x40cm
Thanks Ayin. I struggled and am still not entirely happy with those frustrating flowers, glad you like it.
That's really good! To lighten (cadmium) red, add a bit of yellow rather than white. and/or use zinc or lead white, as titanium gives the cads a chalky appearance.
That's really good! To lighten (cadmium) red, add a bit of yellow rather than white. and/or use zinc or lead white, as titanium gives the cads a chalky appearance.
Hi, THANKS ntl, that was something I did not know about the whites. I have Rembrandts ATM but hope to get some new when I travel next week. I will try some swatches and compare the effects. Thanks again for the tip.
nice but all painted with the same brush so to speak. Variety in the hues would break them. More use of warm and color color. for a second shot that is good.
nice but all painted with the same brush so to speak. Variety in the hues would break them. More use of warm and color color. for a second shot that is good.
Hi Wayne, I agree. I sat on the terrace for 2 hours struggling. I kept trying to rework and the "same brush" is the result. I need to learn to stop. I was a little limited by my palette, but really, I need to practice/learn flower anatomy. There is a fine line (in my view) between impression and realistic impressions - Im not there yet :) I also need to get to grips with the building up of parts of a drawing from Darks to lights with pastels without making mud. Thanks for the input, it all helps.
Pastels are end paint media, what I mean is you could use them directly to the end color desired (i.e avoid mixing colors, just use the closest to) and drawing to get as close as possible to the end result. When you use pastels try to follow the deeper (background and things in the back) and lighter colors first, then the rest. It will sharpen your end results. Or, alternatively do a sharping re-layering in the end...
Anyway well done :)
Hi Murray,
I have never used pastels as I use oil and getting a light over a dark is one stroke. You are doing well with them and a lot of people would be very satisfied with that painting. I mentioned what I did because from reading your thoughts I think you are trying to lift yourself to another level of skill set. You can see the ball, just can't hit it yet. It's that same old stage artist go through all the time. Never satisfied and still developing our skill sets so we can get what we see. I don't mean we need to see a rose as rose; I mean when one can paint what one thinks a rose imparts on their feelings however expressed. It's fun when you remember not to take it real seriously. Art is supposed to be fun and when it is, it shows.
Pastels are end paint media, what I mean is you could use them directly to the end color desired (i.e avoid mixing colors, just use the closest to) and drawing to get as close as possible to the end result. When you use pastels try to follow the deeper (background and things in the back) and lighter colors first, then the rest. It will sharpen your end results. Or, alternatively do a sharping re-layering in the end...
Anyway well done :)
Hi fedetony, yup, I agree in a way. When studio paining with pastels, I use both back to front and dark over light, depending on the focus. But there are still moments when the ligts go on top.... ahhh such a mystery. My pastel set is still a bit limited, but I have a pastel colour adiction so I am will get more next week :) Yes, it in a way is an "end stage media" where the placed colour is the final especially if you want vibrant colours. However it is possible to blend without mud.... but its a learning curve. .
Hi Murray,
I have never used pastels as I use oil and getting a light over a dark is one stroke. You are doing well with them and a lot of people would be very satisfied with that painting. I mentioned what I did because from reading your thoughts I think you are trying to lift yourself to another level of skill set. You can see the ball, just can't hit it yet. It's that same old stage artist go through all the time. Never satisfied and still developing our skill sets so we can get what we see. I don't mean we need to see a rose as rose; I mean when one can paint what one thinks a rose imparts on their feelings however expressed. It's fun when you remember not to take it real seriously. Art is supposed to be fun and when it is, it shows.
Hi Wayne, thanks for the encouragement. I have been trying to extend a bit so as to learn better technique and doing the same thing over is like hitting your head against a brick wall.... But yes, you tapped into my thoughts, when you are never satisfied there is the oportunity to learn and yup - still trying to get the essence of a thing is what I enjoy the most.
I remember seeing the movie "The last portrait"... case in point :)
Thanks for your thoughts
I didn't realize you were using PASTELS. I thought you meant pastel colors of oil paint! :oops: Anyway, if/when you get over to the oils, here's an oil paint review re whites:
Comparing Michael Harding White Oil Colours with Vicki Norman
Probably not apropos of your pastel sticks, however... :oops:

I didn't realize you were using PASTELS. I thought you meant pastel colors of oil paint! :oops: Anyway, if/when you get over to the oils, here's an oil paint review re whites:
Comparing Michael Harding White Oil Colours with Vicki Norman
Probably not apropos of your pastel sticks, however... :oops:

Hi ntl, no drama, its all good info as I do paint with oils, just not pleinair (yet)
Nice roses, Murray! It's nice to see your work here.
DonnaT? the same from WC? either way, thank you for the comments. It was a struggle as usual. Think maybe a few of my landscapes to work out the frustrations :)
Yes it’s me, Murray, and you have inspired me to attempt to paint my roses. I’ve been eyeing them but haven’t painted in so long.
What do you mean,attempt? Those are definitely roses! Well done. ♥️♥️♥️
Ha! Thanks snoball. Its a bit like ... I think I can I think I can... Ive been staring at them a couple days now and think I have another strategy so I may inflict a further attempt. :)