Redondo Beach Road (xpost watermedia)


Well-known member
A couple of paintings from our Sunday outing in Half Moon Bay.
4x10" ink and watercolor on Arches of the coastline.
12x9" acrylic gouache on canvas paper of the rock formations.
Redondo Beach coastline.jpg

Redondo Beach gouache.jpg
oops -nice work, and I wanted to know how you like acrylic gouache, other than being opaque and matt is there a difference.
I have worked in real acrylics for decades and almost as long in watercolor. Gouache oddly hasn't quite worked all that well for me.

For some reason I don't really like this formulation. It's like a balky acrylic for me. I did one successful painting with it a few years ago and put it aside. My sister, who likes oils and acrylics, used it on vacation with me and loved it so much that she bought a big set. A couple of weeks ago I did a quickie with regular gouache and it was OK for me. This stuff doesn't suit my working style.

It's the Turner set and it comes with a plastic palette that requires a special cleaner, which also I find annoying. Neither true gouache nor acrylics ever needed that. So whatever they're putting in this stuff as a binder just kind of irks me. It dries too quickly for my taste, and remember I'm very skilled handling the drying times of acrylics. I certainly can't seem to get this to glaze, which I suppose would defeat the way one works with gouache anyway, but real gouache does allow me some glazing capability.

So my answer is that I don't favor this stuff. Not with my working styles anyway.
Great work Bart. I really like how the gouache looks. I wish you liked it more. These are lovely by the way. ♥️
Thanks, Ayin and Bongo.
I suppose I didn't like working with this medium and that may be why I'm not enamored of the result in Acryl Gouache. It's better than I felt it was when I was painting it. I am convinced I could have done it much better in regular acrylic, however.
I've not sworn off true gouache, just the stuff.
Bongo, I was trying to define the other reason this medium frustrated me. I said it wouldn't glaze, which I isn't how one uses gouache generally, but with regular gouache I can glaze a bit using water to thin it out. This stuff is too opaque. But neither would it scumble well, and I cannot tell you why. With acrylic and/or regular gouache I can scumble. So this medium seems best used in flat areas of color only. At least, that's the way it seemed to be working to me.