Peeved Puss


Well-known member
Hi folks, ok, here's another.
I have never really tried animals before so in the spirit of "just do it", here is Tigrica. Our semi wild cat. She had that look in her eye that I'm not sure I quite got. A "just try it look". Anyways, Rembrandts on sanded Sennelier card 2.5x3.5 inches.
I cross posted on Pastels. I did not quite nail proportions or colouring, but given the situation, I'm semi ok with it. There is so much going on I had to learn on the go with this kind of subject. Wish I had started 30 years ago.....
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It's more difficult to catch a cat's expression than a dog's- cats are so aloof. For an ATC, not bad- a hint for eyes is to lay in a light line in a non-clashing colour on the angle the bottom of the eyes are, and then again on the top- do the bottom first because seen in 3/4 view, as here, the eye openings/size are different.

You definitely caught that, "I'll not be amused" look!
JStar, I do know what you mean re the eye line. I had them, then corrected some proportions & overpainted them, then in redoing trying to line up the black pastel by holding the card almost sideways to see where I was drawing ... Nightmare.
Anyways, in the spirit of knowing when to "stop" I called time out. The ATC certainly makes you work on this kind of subject.
But on a larger drawing, I will take your hint as it is clear on the photo as well if I look.
Thanks heaps.
JStar, I do know what you mean re the eye line. I had them, then corrected some proportions & overpainted them, then in redoing trying to line up the black pastel by holding the card almost sideways to see where I was drawing ... Nightmare.
Anyways, in the spirit of knowing when to "stop" I called time out. The ATC certainly makes you work on this kind of subject.
But on a larger drawing, I will take your hint as it is clear on the photo as well if I look.
Thanks heaps.
I know ALL about re-working. That's why I keep a small and larger stiff brush nearby so I can brush off whatever I did that offends me and try AGAIN. It's more difficult on the size you're working, but you're learning heaps- like when to stop.

A lesson I master only when I've just HAD IT! and toss it in a bin.

Keep going. Try not to use black or white, but other dark and light colours. It'll help your work come alive. If the value is right, the colour doesn't matter.
Thanks Bongo.
Thanks JStar, I sometimes try brushing, some papers seem better for it. Thanks so much for your tips, really appreciated.
What's ATC? :unsure:

Murray, this is great! You definitely captured the feline expression of disdain. I've seen it often!

With cats, yes, eyes are important as with any living creature. But they give off tons of expression with their ears! You nailed them!

Love the colors of the fur and eyes. ❤️
It's more difficult to catch a cat's expression than a dog's- cats are so aloof. For an ATC, not bad- a hint for eyes is to lay in a light line in a non-clashing colour on the angle the bottom of the eyes are, and then again on the top- do the bottom first because seen in 3/4 view, as here, the eye openings/size are different.

You definitely caught that, "I'll not be amused" look!
Have tried several guesses, without luck. What does ATC stand for, please?
Hi folks. ATC, it's the heading of this subforum - Artist Trading Cards.
They are usually called ATC for short. It's kinda new for me as well. I'm hijacking the SIZE of the ATC in a learning experiment.
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What's ATC? :unsure: With cats, yes, eyes are important as with any living creature. But they give off tons of expression with their ears!
Love the colors of the fur and eyes. ❤️
Thanks Terri, glad you like it. I posted below about the ATC thing. Thanks for the compliments.
Hi folks. ATC, it's the heading of this subforum - Artist Trading Cards.
They are usually called ATC for short. It's kinda new for me as well. I'm hijacking the SIZE of the ATC in a learning experiment.
Ah, of course! I didn't make the connection. I usually go to "New Posts" and so not always aware of what forum I'm in! :LOL:
ATC is in the description of the forum (Artist's Trading Cards, which is a kind of genre all its own). I saw this in another thread and absolutely love this one. ♥️

Sometime, I want to try this format.