Paul Foxton Videos


Well-known member
I have always been very much in the Antoni Tapies and Pierre Soulages camp, but have had an itch over recent months to try some still life paintings of flowers and other subjects. I am currently playing around with two oil paintings: a flower study and a still life of a pumpkin, a tomato. and a bell pepper. I have fallen into the trap of trying to make them too believable, which has caused frustration. I believe it has been worthwhile, though — it has been a good learning experience, if nothing else. I only wish I knew about Paul Foxton's videos earlier. Here is the first one I encountered:

I like his comfortable delivery style and I plan to watch more of his videos.

Am I correct in assuming that I am doing things counter to the usual progression? Do most artists start off doing realistic work and then gradually become more abstract?
The video seems a long process but the end result was very realistic and his teaching manner is low key which helps. Good luck with your new venture.
I don't know how most artists start off. I'm sure there is some notion that there is a "supposed to" in place that says a real artist is supposed to do realistic art before they can legitimately do abstract art. I did both in the beginning because I loved all kinds of subjects (and still do!). I practiced a lot of portraiture at first, but after a few years of that, I got way more interested in abstracts, which was what drew me to art in the first place.

But I don't care what one is supposed to do, and I am tired of what other people think what is or isn't legitimate. I've had to show many people my realistic work too many times for them to take the work I want to do more seriously, and even that hasn't been good enough for them.

What makes a "real" artist anyway? Sometimes you have to ask, what does the usual progression matter as long as you continue to stay interested in learning?
Thanks for that. I agree with you and really don't feel constrained, but was just wondering what path most artists follow.