Paramont Park


Well-known member
Yesterday at the neighborhood park, focused on the skate bowl.

was really hot for Seattle but thankfully no bears.

the sketch

block in

Paramont Park - 14" x 18" oil on panel
Paramont Park.jpg

comments welcomed.
Nice job on the various angles and curves- you capture essences well.

Now stick a skater in there....
Thanks Jstarr
It most definitely needs skaters. I'll return to do it from a different angle and load it with skaters. This was a dry run.
Those skate ramp curves are tricky, especially so with a painting knife. The curves are both smooth and continously changing direction and light intensity. Both the foreground and railings give it that extra depth for the skate park JStarrs suggestion for a skater, ifv placed well, will add extra scale, movement, and direction of curvatures. Overall, well done. Keep up the good work.
You are one dedicated soul. I like that you keep a plein air as a plein air was meant to be. A loose study for future considerations. Good grab.
My goal is to make completed paintings in the field. But - as you know - so many things go into making a good painting- and plein air tacks an X degree of difficulty on top of that - so for now I'm okay if I just get something recognizable.

The exciting thing with Plein Air is I'm on that part of a beginner's learning curve that goes up sharply, so after each outing, I have lots to digest. Unfortunately, I can't go out this week so I'll take some time to do repairs on the French half-box.
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Great dimension and depth. This is an interesting one. It would be great to see a skateboarding bear, but there's something out this, the emptiness of the park, that makes this mysterious and beautiful. Well done! ♥️
Ah, this is great. I like the composition. Hard to remember everything in the short time of a plein air painting.
I really like this, good contrast between the natural and artificial. Good work on the curves in the concrete too.
I like it without skaters, as it's still clear what it is because of the guard rails - but it will be fun to see what you do with it! :) Very nice plein air work - especially in the heat!
I would be terrified if I had to attempt to paint this but you pulled it off! All of those curves and angles and the shading of them ... Wow!