Orange Poppy in Watercolor


Supporting Member
This is 7 x 11, on Arches CP 140. The background is a much darker green mix than appears on the screen, which appears rather bluish. (It is mixed from Thalo Green and Alizarin Crimson.) The limited colors used are Indian Yellow, Vermillion, Alizarin Crimson, Violet, and Thalo Green. I don't paint many flowers, and was trying out my new wax resist crayons on some of the petals.

Very nice! I like the orange bloom against that background and the softer edges on the most distant petals
is a nice touch.
Kay, thank you. It is well known on the forums I admire your work.
Gorgeous, Joy! Beautiful complementary colors here. Wonderful work!
Beautiful work Joy! I love the white highlights of the flower and a good choioce of background colour too. :)
Thank you, Kay. The highlights about the periphery were mainly saved with friskit. It is easy to use too little or too much, so I am slowly learning.
Joy...This is wonderful! I love your choice of colours and the whites add sparkle and light.