T Trier Supporting Member Messages 1,173 Jul 26, 2021 #1 A really old one from a happier time when we were touring the Garden District, 12x16 acrylic/canvas covered cardboard the camera does better on the frame than on the painting
A really old one from a happier time when we were touring the Garden District, 12x16 acrylic/canvas covered cardboard the camera does better on the frame than on the painting
snoball Certifiable Supporting Member Messages 8,669 Jul 27, 2021 #3 Nice! Painting seems a bit blurred but it still shows the details on the tree and building. I like it.
Nice! Painting seems a bit blurred but it still shows the details on the tree and building. I like it.
Artyczar Moderator Messages 13,488 Jul 27, 2021 #4 I like the looseness in the details, if that makes sense. really nice one.
N ntl Contributing Member Messages 1,574 Jul 27, 2021 #5 Love that tree and the building--all that filigree! Very nice.
T Trier Supporting Member Messages 1,173 Aug 13, 2021 #6 PSA - sno - Arty - ntl - Thanks to y'all. I wish I could get a better photo because the painting is really much better IRL.
PSA - sno - Arty - ntl - Thanks to y'all. I wish I could get a better photo because the painting is really much better IRL.