Oil from Life: Sweet Potatoes


Contributing Member
Oil from Life: 3 Sweet Potatoes ~4x6" on paper. alla prima. Terra rosa, raw sienna, white, a bit of burnt umber and ultramarine blue.
C&C welcome!
2021-07-27 11.44.06.jpg

Yum! :) Are those flowers or eyes growing out of them? I love the looseness. The violets go excellent with the browns. ♥️
Neat sweet taters. ❤️ If you'll plop those in a vase of water, you'll have a lovely "ivy" plant soon.
Arty, thanks. Those are the plant growing to make new plants. Cut those "slips" --the growing part and a chunk of the potato--into somewhat large chunks and plant them. It's too late in the year for those to be planted here in central Indiana though.

Wayne, thanks!

Sno, thanks. I think they'll get eaten.
I better explain my remark as you don't know me. In paintings, I like to view the images the objects suggest rather than the image of the objects themselves. Sort of like how a single leaf in a gentle breeze becomes a mouse or a bird in the field. And so, your potatoes suggested a big old teddy bear. Suggestion to me is far better than reality. :cool:(y) Don't lose your looseness.....