

old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted March 20/24
Indian Yellow/Cad Red Light/Ultramarine Blue/Burnt Umber/ Titanium White.
Made a mother color from a mixture of the above and then added it to the colors above. Added those and combos of those on top of and into my block in of mother color and then went back to the pure colors for highlites.
Those colors are definitely in harmony. Really lovely piece, Wayne. You are helping me figure out why one of my paintings bugs me; too many disjointed, unrelated colors.
I agree with Donna (I usually do)! Everything flows together here beautifully. So warm and luscious. The light is nice here. I'm really loving these yellows of the last couple of paintings, Wayne. Really beautiful!
Definitely a stand-out painting. I love it!❤️❤️Indian yellow is a very versatile color. Really works well with white, and is nicely transparent.