Not the superbloom really isn't in N. California


Well-known member
Burlingame Plein Air Painters out at Mori Point today in hopes of catching the vaunted "superbloom". Unfortunately, there was only a bloom of mostly ice plants on top of the point itself, a seriously long hike with painting gear. It seems that Northern California doesn't really get those spectacular superblooms like Southern California. Ah well....So we spread out below and captured other scenes.

I got two. A 12x9" watercolor and ink (and a bit of gouache and Neocolor 2) on paper, and a 5x3.5" watercolor and ink on paper.
B. Charlow, Mori Point, Pacifica, CA. 2023
Mori Point 2023.jpg

Mori Point bushes.jpg
They both look good to me! Nice variety of greens in the first one and I like the feeling of distance in the second.
First, thanks, Jo, Ann, Ayin, Cat and Donna.

There's a lesson I'm half-learning here: People seem to most like my smaller, quick line and wash ditties more than many of my larger more "worked" pieces. Whether family, unartistic friends, artist friends, or online friends. I have no idea why that persists. Doesn't seem to matter if the smaller ones are from life (mostly) or imagination like the one here. Less seems to be more! Ah well....

I've got only three guesses. 1) The quickies capture more of the lyrical I seek, while the finished seems to get stuck in the literal. 2) Maybe I'm just falling into a habit of overworking some pieces. 3) Maybe I'm just a better sketcher than a painter. Your guess is as good as mine.
First, thanks, Jo, Ann, Ayin, Cat and Donna.

There's a lesson I'm half-learning here: People seem to most like my smaller, quick line and wash ditties more than many of my larger more "worked" pieces. Whether family, unartistic friends, artist friends, or online friends. I have no idea why that persists. Doesn't seem to matter if the smaller ones are from life (mostly) or imagination like the one here. Less seems to be more! Ah well....

I've got only three guesses. 1) The quickies capture more of the lyrical I seek, while the finished seems to get stuck in the literal. 2) Maybe I'm just falling into a habit of overworking some pieces. 3) Maybe I'm just a better sketcher than a painter. Your guess is as good as mine.
I like the sketch more as well, and one reason is that the foliage is contained in an outline that creates a distinct and well thought out silhouette. Edgar Payne speaks about the need for strong tree (and foliage) shapes in his book composition of outdoor painting if you would like more reading on the subject.

That said, your work is awesome and keep at it! Going out plein air painting is great for those of us who have caught the bug. And you make me want to paint more watercolors
Kyle, thanks for both the compliment and the reasoning. It helps me understand what appeals and why.

Do go out as often as possible and relish the joy of quick watercolor sketching. If you're ever in the SF Bay Area, you can come paint with our group: Burlingame Plein Air Painters.
Kyle, thanks for both the compliment and the reasoning. It helps me understand what appeals and why.

Do go out as often as possible and relish the joy of quick watercolor sketching. If you're ever in the SF Bay Area, you can come paint with our group: Burlingame Plein Air Painters.
Hi Bart, thank you for the warm response! I have painted in san fransisco a few times and will look the group up next time I am there!
Have a great weekend,
These are really good Bart! Love the energy in the first one, and the second one is gorgeous. Love the way you've used the ink.