Nobody told me .. nobody said!


old man

11 x 14 oil on paper Alla Prima .. Knife .. started painting of rainbow trout on a slab but when I hit a road block I wiped it back. I was left with values that suggested shapes and so I started painting the values with color notes and ended up here. Sure was enjoyable.
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That is really a cool example of how a painting can evolve. You sure started off with something else in mind, and look what it's become. Beautiful!
thank you Arty .. lot's of grey

thank you Terri .. usual case
.. it goes well when I remember I am not the artist, I am the tool, and the painting paints itself through me.

thank you Susan

.. if you only get a person you need to look more carefully .. demons, ghosts, castles on sand houses on cliffs a magic wand.
..why just this one shot in the middle is the master of ceremony reading the book .. or a priest or priestess at an alter .. but don't take my word .. what do you see if you allow yourself the time to?
