New Animal And Wildlife Challenge Monthly Hosting Schedule

Ellen, they said our power would probably not be back on until this Friday it has been out since Friday morning. The worst hit seems to be North Carolina. I am in South Carolina and we had quite a bit of damage in our state.
Thankyou very much Jane !
Would you be able to arrange for hosts each month ?
I don’t know anyone on here, but I’d be prepared to try to find people on here, and if nobody materialises, do it myself. Not forever, but I’d certainly try it for 2025 and see how things go. Would that work? I’ll get a December one up asap. Sources of royalty free images would be a great help, but I do have a good stock of my own images to fall back on.
Hi everyone, I’ve put the list up for 2025. I’m happy to do Jan & Feb. Hosts are needed for the rest of the year - if you can offer to take a month I’d be most grateful.

January - Jane
February - Jane
March -
April -
May -
June -
July -
August -
September -
October -
November -
December -
Thankyou so much Jane. :)
In regard to copyright free photos. I always used Pixabay.
I have just posted January’s challenge. I’m fine to do February’s too, but after that we are out of hosts. Can anyone take on March? It’s not a long or difficult job - just choose a theme, find some photos and post.
Hi all, I will soon be posting February's challenge as promised, but at the end of that month I'll be popping into this site a lot less often. I think I need to find other digital artists as I'm still in need of masses of help in improving my skills.

So if people want this challenge to continue, you will need to find a host for March and beyond. Sorry about that.
txomsy - thank you so much for offering to host March. :)
It is very much appreciated.

Here is the updated hosting schedule. If anyone would like to host any
of the months marked in red please let us know here. Thanks.

January - Jane
February - Jane
March - txomsy
April -
May -
June -
July -
August -
September -
October -
November -
December -
I'm happy to host in April.

Here is the updated hosting schedule. If anyone would like to host any
of the months marked in red please let us know here. Thanks.

January - Jane
February - Jane
March - txomsy
April - Triduana
May -
June -
July -
August -
September -
October -
November -
December -
I just posted March's challenge. I chose as topic "Traveling the World", hope you think it is OK.

I will have a hard time participating myself, I learned of an unexpected visit by some friends from overseas, they'll be here 10 days and I'll be showing them around, plus I have one or two courses to lecture and some seminars. That's on top of every day's work and extra family duties. So, while I'll check in and chat, I fear I'll have little time to produce something. Will try, though.

Still I have a lot of old pictures, so I may upload some in answer to the prompt.

And if nobody steps up, I could possibly take May.