More playing around


Contributing Member
Well its been slow getting to my artwork. So I am just exploring with no pressure in little bits as health allows. It is very encompassing and I appreciate the focus. It helps me ignore physical trials.
This is watercolour and Posca Pens. 11X 15”. Untitled.
Your paintings always blow me away. I love this little explosion of colors! Your outlines make me very happy!
Thanks so much Terri! It is so great to hear as this type of art is new to me. I am really enjoying it. I find people respond a lot more to my abstract work. I get a real charge from the abstracts. Doing them and the people who like them are very enthusiastic. Thanks again.
This is so full of energy - like a big wave of moving colors! I’m so glad that you are able to paint again, even in little installments. Hopefully there will be more playing around time for you.
This is beautiful. I like how the loose washes contrast with the defined lines. Does the ink from the pens contain the washes? Or do you do the washes and then outline with the pens. This makes me want to pick up some of those pens. I've never done any pen work.

Glad to see this and that you are painting.
Thanks so much Terri! It is so great to hear as this type of art is new to me. I am really enjoying it. I find people respond a lot more to my abstract work. I get a real charge from the abstracts. Doing them and the people who like them are very enthusiastic. Thanks again.

One would never know that this type of art is new to you. I can look at this all day. So interesting, detailed and just darn pretty. :)
It's nice when abstracts are pretty. Often they aren't. I guess you can count me in that group that like yours.
Aw thanks so much John. I think it’s kind of awesome to change it up. I’m in my 50s now. I certainly have a new appreciation for abstracts. I mean I was taught art appreciation in university but I “get it “now more than I ever did. Like anything else not all abstracts are great. Some can leave me cold or un moved. I can see what artist was trying to do. sometimes it doesn’t take me far. But when it does? They take me away! Of course it’s really nice to see people getting excited about my work. With abstracts I see a lot of intention. And sometimes I just enjoy doing something for its own sake. In elementary school I was always doodling in the margins of my notebooks. It could be quite meditative. Just seeing what line and circles and colours do just for its own sake is wonderful play. Freeing.
This is beautiful. I like how the loose washes contrast with the defined lines. Does the ink from the pens contain the washes? Or do you do the washes and then outline with the pens. This makes me want to pick up some of those pens. I've never done any pen work.

Glad to see this and that you are painting.
Well, I started just with some simple water colour washes with brushes and then I go in and play with a bit of watercolour to strengthen up some colour in places to pull things forward for push things back. I put down some frisket first before the washes. Just to give me some interest later with some white spots. Anyways, after all the washes and dropping in more colour with more intense watercolor, I used the Posca Pens (which have different sized tips you can choose) that are filled with acrylic paint. They’re not cheap. They are awesome. I still like doing some linework with my brushes. These pens are a whole lot better for outlining. And then you can just play around- you can outline things, you can drop colours and shapes, whatever you want- you can fill in areas. If you go looking for Posca Pens they also have markers so don’t confuse the two. There are other brands as well and I’ve used them and I’m enjoying them. I hope they hold up -so far so good. I have used them on bigger paintings. Some people do a lot of beautiful work with them on rocks, fabric – like running shoes. Just go play, see what they can do! 🙂
This is amazing! Like a quantum universe of candy! Absolutely beautiful! I'm obsessed!!! ♥️