Playing Around


Well-known member
Hi all… Nice to be back. 👋🏻
Finally, I had a chance to paint! Its been a long time waiting for health to allow it. Physically it was hard, but it was glorious. Two days swept up in making marks and exploring abstract, my first try at using POSCA Pens . Which I thoroughly enjoyed! I didnt care if I ate (hubby kept bringing meals), or slept. I escaped the health worries for a while. I will try this again if breathing allows it.
This is a large acrylic painting 36”x48”, I painted for my sister’s birthday. She liked it, thank goodness.
Unexpected influences…The Rings Of Power (prequel of Lord of the Rings). There is the tower and elvish style at play for fun.
I love this! Some very cool paint effects here. I've been meaning to try Posca pens for a while, they do look useful!
Hooray for being able to paint!!! I understand that you are not exaggerating when you say it was glorious. What a gorgeous abstract; your sister is lucky to have it. It looks like you used the pens to outline some of the shapes and the results are beautiful. I hope there is more painting in your future. :)
This turned out beautifully! So happy you are painting again. I'm not at all surprised your sister loved this - beautiful lines and colors. I love the outlines, so it's interesting that you tried a new product that worked well. I'm always looking for help with line work but I use oil pastels and am wondering if these Posca pens would be effective in/around oil-based media. They sure look good with this acrylic!

Great to see you posting again! :)
Thank you Donna and Terri. I really appreciate your comments. Do you know when you’re in your happy place? And time just gets away on you? That’s what happened here. I just gave myself permission to mess around and play, and see what comes out of it. And of course once I did, then I started thinking about composition and balance- but it’s all very instinctual. it was a great escape! I’m going to try another brand of acrylic pens that’s cheaper than POSCA. I’m going to see how they measure up.
Do you know when you’re in your happy place? And time just gets away on you? That’s what happened here. I just gave myself permission to mess around and play, and see what comes out of it. And of course once I did, then I started thinking about composition and balance- but it’s all very instinctual. it was a great escape!
That's what makes this a successful painting. ;) It's got a bit of your soul in there!
Thank you Terri…sure feels like we give a piece of ourselves!😉
Thanks, Dave. Letting go of painting so tight. Its fun, and I think helpful to go back and forth with styles.
I would echo what was said above and add that I think I like this as much or better than any abstract I have seen. Reminds me of Gerhard Richter a bit who is one of my favorites.
It makes me feel happy and spirited, love it!

I feel I should add a comment to this statement I made. I don't want to mislead you, and since I can't delete the comment, I want to be honest with you, even though I try to avoid commenting on works that don't completely do it for me.

I was just happy to see some abstract work on here, but this doesn't move me very much tbh. It looks cool, but doesn't make me feel deeply on that spiritual level for some reason.

However, I see great potential in you, and think you are on the verge of great uniqueness if you agree, and desire to push yourself.

If you don't agree with my sentiments, that's fine, you should please yourself first and foremost!

Happy art creating!

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I am happy that you are back to painting.
I think it's a wonderful work, I really like it a lot. stupendous. it's really one of my favorite abstract pieces ever, great job.
I feel I should add a comment to this statement I made. I don't want to mislead you, and since I can't delete the comment, I want to be honest with you, even though I try to avoid commenting on works that don't completely do it for me.

I was just happy to see some abstract work on here, but this doesn't move me very much tbh. It looks cool, but doesn't make me feel deeply on that spiritual level for some reason.

However, I see great potential in you, and think you are on the verge of great uniqueness if you agree, and desire to push yourself.

If you don't agree with my sentiments, that's fine, you should please yourself first and foremost!

Happy art creating!

NVM, I'm overthinking it. It's a brilliant work!