snoball Certifiable Supporting Member Messages 8,669 Apr 30, 2021 #1 This Woman Is Doing a Daily 'Getty Museum Challenge' To Recreate Historical Paintings for a Year “I use very simple things that surround me at home. So I need to be creative.”
This Woman Is Doing a Daily 'Getty Museum Challenge' To Recreate Historical Paintings for a Year “I use very simple things that surround me at home. So I need to be creative.”
Artyczar Moderator Messages 13,488 Apr 30, 2021 #2 Wow! I have to say, those are all very impressive. She has gone to great lengths.
N ntl Contributing Member Messages 1,574 Apr 30, 2021 #3 Impressive is right. Those are a lot of costumes/fabrics. That's determination and work...
M Maybenartist Well-known member Messages 553 Apr 30, 2021 #4 Theres a couple there I'd like to paint. The Fortune Teller and Pick Roses As Soon As Possible.
snoball Certifiable Supporting Member Messages 8,669 May 2, 2021 #5 Maybenartist said: Theres a couple there I'd like to paint. The Fortune Teller and Pick Roses As Soon As Possible. Click to expand... Go for it! We'll look forward to seeing the results!
Maybenartist said: Theres a couple there I'd like to paint. The Fortune Teller and Pick Roses As Soon As Possible. Click to expand... Go for it! We'll look forward to seeing the results!