Ducks in Watercolor


Supporting Member
This was done in a cheap Strathmore Visual Journal, 140CP, 9 x 12. It was part of a challenge for another forum, and I thought I would just use a bit of water (which I generally use buckets). But that did not work out, and I started putting more glazes on, which was not good for that paper. It resulted in a rather "heavy" look, as opposed to the freshness of watercolor. I did persevere until I was finished, and will only use dry media in the remainder of these cheap sketchbooks. It amazes me to see those that can create such beautiful art on non cotton paper.

It's interesting to read your process here - if you hadn't mentioned it I doubt I'd have noticed the density in this one. But the colors are so light and lovely, it all works out beautifully.

Your greens are luscious! I'm enjoying the bit of yellow grasses in the background. Nice extra detail.

Great job - even if you didn't like the paper for it. ;)
This was done in a cheap Strathmore Visual Journal, 140CP, 9 x 12. It was part of a challenge for another forum, and I thought I would just use a bit of water (which I generally use buckets). But that did not work out, and I started putting more glazes on, which was not good for that paper. It resulted in a rather "heavy" look, as opposed to the freshness of watercolor. I did persevere until I was finished, and will only use dry media in the remainder of these cheap sketchbooks. It amazes me to see those that can create such beautiful art on non cotton paper.

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This came out beautifully, Joy. I love the rich bright colors.

I've never been happy with Strathmore paper for soft pastels and do watercolors so seldom, but I'm not fond of the Strathmore Visual Journal I have either.
Thank you for your kind words. I don't know why the Strathmore Journal got such good reviews.
Love this one. Love the brilliance of color and the texture of the paper. You did so well on the birds' faces and the blending of the whites and blues! ♥️
I like how this came out but if you don't enjoy painting on that paper, then you shouldn't do it. Creating art should be relaxing and fun. Use the paper you feel works the best for you.
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I like how this came out but if you don't enjoy painting on that paper, then you shouldn't do it. Creating art should be relaxing and fun. Use the paper you feel works the best for you.
You are giving me the same advice my husband did! He sees first hand how frustrated I get at times.
Well, I think it turned out beautifully even if you had to struggle with the paper and the process. You resolved it beautifully. I have a pad of hot press paper, good make. I can’t say for sure what make it is now without pulling it out. It was great for fine details but I found it impossible to work with. I don’t use a lot of big washes. So it wasn’t oversaturated. It wasn’t overworked and it developed a rough area that quickly opened with very little wash. Almost a hole. I couldn’t believe it! I was 3/4 done this painting and the paper just couldn’t hold up too much at all. So I understand the frustration.
I think this is lovely! I love the colours in the feathers and I think the background has worked well too. I'm glad you didn't throw it away!