More Autumn Leaves


Supporting Member
This is 11 x 8 on W & N 140CP, watercolor BG and Inktense leaves. The paper seems to lift too easily for my taste, thus some of the BG glazes did not work out well. The colors seems brighter in person, especially the yellows.

I'm sorry you had trouble with some of the glazes, Joy, but I wouldn't have known if you didn't tell us. Do you mean that when you put a wet glaze over a dry layer that the dry paint didn't stay put? Watercolor can be such a tricky thing and I admire those of you who do such beautiful work. Your yellows and violets are just gorgeous in this one!
I'm sorry you had trouble with some of the glazes, Joy, but I wouldn't have known if you didn't tell us. Do you mean that when you put a wet glaze over a dry layer that the dry paint didn't stay put? Watercolor can be such a tricky thing and I admire those of you who do such beautiful work. Your yellows and violets are just gorgeous in this one!
Thank you, Donna. Yes, that is what I meant about the lifting. A halo formed about the area to the right of the two leaves on the left periphery. I was trying to add more color and the first layer was disturbed, despite it being bone dry. I did use a soft brush and light touch. Usually cellulose papers do this, not cotton. Some W & N are not 100% cotton, and I did get this as part of a monthly trial pack on Etsy, in which they were supposed to be all cotton unless otherwise noted.

JStarr, thank you for the praise. Sorry, I forgot your first name. 😊
This is beautiful, you are mastering watercolor. Good for you. I love your complementary colors. I'm smiling.
Joy this is gorgeous! I like everything about it, and the beautiful background sets the leaf off perfectly!
Just beautiful. I'm sorry the paper gave you troubles, along with some of the glazes. The end result does not show this at ALL. You have developed such a light touch with your watercolors - so perfect for this (to me) incredibly challenging medium. This is beautiful in every way - hats off to you! ❤️