Michigan Farm in Ink/Watercolor


Supporting Member
This was done for a challenge on another forum. Well, what was “supposed” to be a quick ink/wash in my Canson XL 140CP sketchbook (awful paper) turned into something more involved. I am not practiced with landscapes, and the paper does not take layers well. It is 10 x 7. WIPs show initial drawing, more inking, and final work. I made the sky more varied and put the larger silo behind the main building, eliminating some structures. Only the three primaries were used – Cadmium Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, and Pthalo Blue.


Farm 1.jpeg

Oh it turned out well Joy! Despite the paper (I have used it and disliked it too), and the unfamiliar subject.
You made some smart compositional decisions here. The silo definitely looks good in the background and this is nicely balanced.

It's a strong sketch, and your palette is light and lovely. Turned out beautifully!

I agree with you about the Canson XL. I always seem to have a few of them around, and they're great for working out ideas and for paint swatches. Whenever I try to do more, I end up annoyed with myself for trying to pushing it. :LOL:
Had same experience with both Canson and Strathmore less expensive WC papers. One layer, fine; more, not fine. I guess that's why folks spend more for Arches and the better papers.

Love the sequence here showing your progression, and very helpful to have your thought process on comp.

Very well done at every stage. Lovely and delightful work, Joy.
The composition is very good. I am amaze at what you achieved with a limited palette and bad quality paper.
Thanks ever so much for all of your kind words. I would never buy anything but cotton again! I thought these highly rated sketchbooks (also have a Strathmore one that is rubbish) would work well for playing around, and sketches, but I use too much water. Now I am using them only for ink and minimal works.
I like the end result Joy but if a paper isn't fun, don't use it! I'm glad you found that the 100% cotton works well for you.
Very nicely done! But, if I may nit-pick, I think the transition from blue to pink in the sky could have been more gradual. However that does not detract from how attractive this work is.
Balaji, thank you! I noticed that also. The cellulose paper does not take water or blend well.
Yeah, I find my sketchbooks which are the ones you always see with the thick black covers at every art store, are now too soft for even pencil drawing! I bought them years ago and I use them for practice, but I’m not enjoying them. I think you did a great job for having such a difficulty with the paper accepting the water.
This is lovely work Joy! I really like the way you used ink to pick out the foliage. I love the use of pink too - I actually really like the pink in the sky, as I was admiring pink clouds at sunset yesterday 🙂
Sorry about the paper, but you sure made excellent use of it. I love this piece. Very nice lighting and blends of the sky. ♥️
You did an excellent sketch with this scene and your changing of the shape parts was smart, too. Another wash over the sky using ultramarine blue might yield a more cohesive effect.
Kay, thanks so much for your suggestions. I was going to have another go at the sky, but the cellulose paper does not takes layers well at all and gets streaky. I have a cache of cotton paper, and have learned my lesson not to be too precious with it.
Joy, I'm happy to see you paint from my photo. Your interpretation is gorgeous. I still have to draw mine out,