Lighthouse in Ink and Wash


Contributing Member
I did this recently for a challenge. It is in Iceland, Lighthouse Hópsnes (Hópsnesviti), located in the southeast of the city of Grindavík on a small peninsula. This is 7 x 10, in a Canson XL 140CP watercolor paper sketchbook. Inspired by others excellent ink and wash paintings, I decided to try it myself. At Michaels (in the US), I had a coupon and rewards, so I got a set of three Sakura Pigma Micron pens in different sizes for $1. Still not sure what areas to ink, but it was fun to try something new.

Really love this Joy, especially the grass on the side of the hill and the way you did the washes on the other side of the hill. I was drawn to the hill in general. It's the colors and the technique that makes my stomach soar. ♥️
Beautiful, Joy. Your colors are rich and deep, especially those grasses, and it really draws the eye in. It's a wonderful seascape and you did a terrific job rendering it. ❤️
Thanks, CaliAnn and Terri, for taking the time to look and leave such lovely comments.
Stunning painting, Joy! I love the grass too and the loose, washy, natural-looking sky.
Great picture Joy, I like lighthouses. You have a hand for watercolors that I could never achieve (so I went for ink markers). :)
It's beautiful, Joy. I'm a huge fan of ink and wash. I love those grasses in the foreground and I really like how you've used ink to define the bank of clouds on the horizon.
Lovely painting. I immediately concluded it must be Iceland, there are a lot of lighthouses in that style here (though I am on the other side of the Island from this one...).
Beautiful painting. Great use of color. I can feel the movement of a breeze stirring the grass.
Great use of both. I like how you lifted out the grasses. Well done.
Great piece Joy. I particularly like the soft sky and clouds contrasting with the strong lines of the lighthouse and grasses. the contrast creates great depth.
Joy superb watercolor scene ! What is the technique used for the grass (if I may ask ... 😊😇)? Do you paint then scratch?