Hi Joe. Your thread has inspired me to start drawing again, learning all over from the beginning. It's a pleasure looking at the journey you're sharing.
I did these,from photo ferecence online , trying to change, a little looser, less pressure above all, and using digital brushes in which I didn't have to force myself with the wrist like the last portraits I had tried in digital charcoal. Without realizing there I had used a lot of the pose and fingers
I made these, the cat is better with the writing or without.
drawings by seeing one of the videos about animals on the internet, on Instagram, but if you post drawings made from a video I have to report the source, but the videos I see are probably not from the user who made the video, so sometimes I don't know who made the video or I don't remember where I saw the video, I had taken, captured a few frames on my phone some time ago of this video that I found funny, I have something else on my phone that I was thinking of perhaps drawing, yesterday and today I tried this which I remembered the cat's face as very fun and worth trying