yesterday in about 3 hours I made this face as a reference wc all media art event.
the other day before. I had tried fude pen again.
about the portrait
sketchbook a5, pencil b7, pretending it was a charcoal, it can be the same, similar, I used, especially the side and only the, I meant that.
about 3 hours, in the afternoon 30 minutes, especially the contour, eyes,
tonight the shading above all, about 2 oer and 30 minutes, I think, maybe.
thanks for seeing.
I don't know if it's a good try or a very bad one.
in the picture maybe they are, but the shading is what it is difficult for me to judge. I believe.
the other day before. I had tried fude pen again.
about the portrait
sketchbook a5, pencil b7, pretending it was a charcoal, it can be the same, similar, I used, especially the side and only the, I meant that.
about 3 hours, in the afternoon 30 minutes, especially the contour, eyes,
tonight the shading above all, about 2 oer and 30 minutes, I think, maybe.
thanks for seeing.
I don't know if it's a good try or a very bad one.
in the picture maybe they are, but the shading is what it is difficult for me to judge. I believe.