I recently watched the new David Bowie doc,
MOONAGE DAYDREAM. It started in such a frenetic, shattered way that at first I thought, “OhOh. This is going to be annoying.” But soon, I found I was sitting there in a kind of trance. Absolutely mesmerized. Really, it was like swimming inside somebody’s else mind-vision. It was more or less a chronicled look at his life but told through visuals rather than the usual linear narrative form. It was, I think, trying to mirror the way that he approached and viewed the world - in fragmented, chaotic, multiple realities.
If you know Bowie, you‘re aware of how he constantly changed his identity, his music, and other ways of making his art, through decades. He said that was because he needed to put himself in situations and places where he felt uncomfortable in order to see, experience, and make something new out of all that internal…discomfort. That’s a kind of bravery if you think about it. The doc shows how all his thinking/feeling, making/remaking, pushing/changing (this force within), finally matured him into a pretty centered and loving man. I don’t like to use the overused term “genius” so I’ll say instead…
he was the perfect embodiment of a creative artist.
Much Better Review