Thank Joe. Yes, I've seen Glass. I actually thought it was going to be a different movie than it was, so I ended up a bit disappointed with it, but I'm very picky with movies in general. The premise was good, though, and the acting was great. In general, I'm not a huge fan of super hero-type movies.
hi, yes, sorry, my question, my advice was to see the film Split, I had read that you had seen the film Glass and considering the beauty of the film entitled Split and the themes it covered and the reason why Glass intrigued you, I think that Split, a film released in 2016 by director M. Night Shyamalan also starring James McAvoy, an extraordinary Mcvoy,
I didn't want to tell you too much about the film, the cast and director, but I think you've seen the film Glass, but I think I've understood that you haven't seen the film Split yet, Split by genre and quality I think you'll like it or at least you'll like it will be very interesting,
I also don't know if you've seen Unbreakable, that one is about superheroes which is a genre you're not passionate about but I think you'd like to watch it again, especially if you see Split, since you've already seen Glass I also recommend Unbreakable which is a very good film and Glass is link to that film, in my opinion Glass is less successful but it is still interesting, I'm happy that he did it and that I saw it but I think that Split and Unbreakable are masterpieces (or almost, masterpiece maybe it's exaggeration and tastes are personal but they are convinced that you will like Split or at least make you curious, in my opinion what you expected in Glass and Split, in my comment I wanted to suggest Split for the reasons explained now, I recommend SPlit and Unbreakable
to anyone who hasn't seen them, Split to anyone who loves Hitchcock and Thrillers, Unbreakable to anyone who wants a movie about superheroes that isn't a movie about superheroes or in any case to everyone, I had almost forgotten about this director until I saw Split, he is very good )