Just a Plan- 2 versions.


Contributing Member
Life has been very busy lately. Have been doing lots of works on paper, photos haven't been working out. This one is an OK representation of my blocked plan for small acrylic.

We're heading home tomorrow for a family gathering; sudden decision. One side of Australia to the other. This is a meeting of the clan. My husband's siblings get together is a large affair: My 2 kids have 45 cousins, of which 6 are from my side!

Managed to get 5 of Robert's siblings visible, 2

hidden. If you know the family you could identify them. Think I'll need to change the name before I show them. They are all lovely people. With strong personalities.


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I'm always in awe of your work - there is just something so compelling about it. Your work always speaks to me, but I can't put my finger on why I'm so drawn to your work. To me it's a fabulous, mysterious journey that always has me examining and pondering why
Wonderful! I get the feeling that there's so much more personality depicted in these figures than if you had them all pose for a photo. You caught them when they weren't looking.
That's wonderful, I love it! Looks like a family gathering for sure--scalping and all!:D
If this is just the blocked plan, it is going to make a great little painting. Bright and cheerful (even with people getting scalped.;) )❤️
Terrific, as always, Jennie! ❤️ I love your style.
Thanks Terri. Just had a video conference with a curator, feeling a bit more confident than I have been. And a text about an exhibition in a tiny local gallery. It is good when it works.

Always great to know what you think.
I'm always in awe of your work - there is just something so compelling about it. Your work always speaks to me, but I can't put my finger on why I'm so drawn to your work. To me it's a fabulous, mysterious journey that always has me examining and pondering why
Thanks CaliAnn. Your comments always inspire me.
Wonderful! I get the feeling that there's so much more personality depicted in these figures than if you had them all pose for a photo. You caught them when they weren't looking.
I like that idea. It will help me when I get back to it.