

This is a newer gouache on Rives BFK paper, 19 x 26 inches (not the best photo as it is dark in some places. I took it indoors):

Wow, what a beautiful, colorful, interesting arrangement! I like the different patterns very much!
Thank you Donna, CaliAnn, John, Wayne, and Zen. You are all too kind! I am so happy to get such great encouragement from such good friends. ♥️
......I ... my brain...sees in this, clever delivery of flat 1 dimension yet with 2 dimension depth as well.
Not too sure what I am saying but, it is what I see... very interesting, visually.
Another beauty! I always love your strong, bold colors, shapes and patterns. So big and bold, yet then there are all those tiny, perfect little details that make you look longer. I don't know how you do it, but you always make it work! ❤️
Thank you Dave. I think I feel you. Thanks for your insights!

Terri, your words mean so much to me! Thank you!!! ♥️
As I have commented before, I do not know much about abstract art. What I enjoy is the overall impression, which is the creative arrangement of shapes and colors. Very original design with a lot of visual interest. My only critique (delete this part if you prefer) is the bright violet/magenta in the upper right. From a compositional standpoint, even though it leads the viewer's eye to the other shapes top left, it is so close to the corner that my eye is drawn out of the corner. The shape is pointing "out" of the picture to me.
Thank you Kay and Captain. I appreciate your interpretations very much! :)

Thank you for yours too, Joy. I can see how your eye can take you out of the frame with that purple curve, as it is very close to the edge of the paper. I tend to paint close to the edge a lot. Everything is very purposeful however and thought out, and I put that there to balance out the other purple curve on the left side. It might not work for everyone's eye. That's okay with me. ;)
Everything is very purposeful however and thought out, and I put that there to balance out the other purple curve on the left side. It might not work for everyone's eye. That's okay with me. ;)
Do you do a sketch first, with values or colors?
Yes, I do a sketch first, then I scan it into Photoshop and play with color before I paint it in real life. This particular one began as a possible start for a collaboration piece that would be given over to my collaboration partner, but I wound up finishing it myself. Same with Chroma Scraper.