Portal I


old man

9 x 12 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Aug 26/24
Well, I finally made it to what I can an abstract. Some may disagree but if you do feel I am short of abstraction, please feel free to say why as I am an avid learner.
I think it is very abstract, but as in all abstracts, I try to "see" things and in this one I see a little cabin nestled against a dense, dark forest in winter with a couple of very tall pines in the background. ❤️:giggle:
Welcome to the dark side! The colours are beautiful and brought to life by that small accent of orangy brick colour. I blocked it out with my finger and the whole painting became less dynamic.
I think it’s very abstract too and I like Sno’s interpretation. I looked at it upside down and sideways and it works every way - and feels very different depending on where the large dark shape is positioned. With the dark shape on top I see ice floes and deep dark water. Sno’s cabin is my little ice fishing shack. 🙂 It’s a great painting!
Thank you Hermes. I agree about the red. It’s necessary for balance.

Thanks Donna. I’ve read that a good abstract can hang anyway and still retain a life.
Wayne you used a lot of colors that look like it came from a traditional winter scene, good choices, I think it works, but I guess that’s why some grunt would say that to you.
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9 x 12 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Aug 26/24
Well, I finally made it to what I can an abstract. Some may disagree but if you do feel I am short of abstraction, please feel free to say why as I am an avid learner.
I like the movement from shadow to light in expressive strokes. The touch of red, just sitting there in two places is perfect, from my POV.
Thank you. It was not my intent to use something so useable as I never gave it a thought. One colour calls for the other hues.

Thanks JennieJo. Little stories babble on …..