It's Joy from WC!


Supporting Member
I was using Joy K at WC, as there was another "Joy" already registered. We are gutted by the loss of WC, but are grateful this site is welcoming. I paint in watercolors, and have found the community at WC invaluable. I am retired, living in the mountains of Western PA. So many familiar names are noted, and that is reassuring.

Does CP have group monthly challenges like WC, or is it individual posting only? I've only had a wee poke about the site, and am quite impressed by the talent and quality of work. Encouragement from the other artists is invaluable. You know the old joke about how many artists it takes to change a light bulb? Ten - one to change the bulb and nine to tell him it looks good! :D


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Welcome to the site Joy. I love your name. Your art is beautiful.
As for challenges, there's nothing here like that as of yet, but I hope people will take it upon themselves to create projects like these however they deem fit. Take initiative and start something! :)
Beautiful work, Joy! Welcome to Creative Spark!

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work. I agree with Arty about starting a project, and a monthly challenge may be a great way to start. :)

Keep posting and have fun!
Welcome, Joy ...were you at Scavenger Hunt in WC before? Your arts are beautiful.
Ai, I have done a few hunts here and there, under the name Joy K. I was the one who asked a few months ago about the origin and pronunciation of your name.
Hello Joy! I love your 10 artists joke. :) Your CP works are gorgeous!!! I am particularly drawn to your cat portrait.

I hope you don't mind if I ask: what are these [scavenger] hunts that I've seen talk of?
Welcome Joy! Love your art, especially the pot at the first of the line. All are great work. ❤️❤️