It's All Waves


Well-known member
Caution....this may cause nausea. Just a little bit of motion. And I took out the color wheel for this. Threw it in the corner.

First watercolor in four years or so. Now I remember...... it's temperamental. It's a bit of a mess but at least I broke the ice and finally painted something. I've been wanting to something like this for some time, only better. I guess I'll do a few of these until I'm so sick of abstract that I run back to realism like a good normal boy that wants to actually sell something.

1/4 sheet 11x14inches

Caution....this may cause nausea. Just a little bit of motion. And I took out the color wheel for this. Threw it in the corner.

This is gorgeous!!! You can easily sell this! What are you talking about? This is an extremely intelligent composition with wonderful, complex color. The pink makes it. Just enough and placed perfectly. Major winner here John! ♥️

This is gorgeous!!! You can easily sell this! What are you talking about? This is an extremely intelligent composition with wonderful, complex color. The pink makes it. Just enough and placed perfectly. Major winner here John! ♥️

. Yeah I guess the comp is good, I've used it before, and I purposely used pure colors trying to see how far that way I could go and that I could always grey them down in later pieces. But I don't know, I might be just sick of looking at it. Maybe it's the lines. They are too much too many. And maybe I'll tone down the color for next one.
Thanks Ayin
lose that thought .. wrong reason to paint.
the upper viewer right corner is the cement of this piece. Very appealing.

Yeah I probably should. But I have to come up 15 paintings or so to put up in a market in about a month so I'm trying to keep that in mind.

Problem is that I know my realist landscapes would sell but I'm tired of doing them. I want to explore abstract more.

Funny, that upper right corner swirl just popped up and then I accented it a bit and those colors were always going to be the focal point.

I suppose the lesson is to make more of the painting look like the upper right? I'm not convinced a focal point is needed.

Thanks Wayne.

Thanks Cali Ann
I suppose the lesson is to make more of the painting look like the upper right? I'm not convinced a focal point is needed.
Nope, the focal is there already. It works fine.

On the other hand, what I meant was paint it for yourself and if it sells that's fine. If not. Too bad, so sad. You really never can tell and better to have pieces you like to move forward with.
Nope, the focal is there already. It works fine.

On the other hand, what I meant was paint it for yourself and if it sells that's fine. If not. Too bad, so sad. You really never can tell and better to have pieces you like to move forward with.

I've always wondered about the focal point thing. I've been suspicious of the whole concept, along with all the traditional composition "rules". And then I do them anyhow because it usually looks good that way. Sunsets at the lower left corner are a tough sell.

Of course, you are right, thanks for the reminder. Paint for yourself. You do it and make great paintings because they are unique. It's always fun looking at them.

I feel stuck between nature and total abstraction.

But total abstraction shows more of our own unique nature. Not fettered by conventions.

What if I show my nature and no one likes it. They ask me what it's supposed to be and then go buy some food from the next stall over.

Did Picasso worry about that. Did he even try selling art at a farmer's/craft market. Maybe that was his blue period. :)
I love this. I do have to hold my head still to view it but it is brilliant.❤️
I hope to see more like this from you, John, because this one is really good! This isn't realism? I see a line of green trees that meet up with a body of blue water while the sunset sky above puts on a show. OK so maybe not realism but it feels real to me because I can relate to it. I know what you mean about feeling stuck between nature and abstraction, as if there must be something more.
Thanks Sno, Terry, Donna and Dave.

It's fun using watercolor again. But I accidentally used the wrong side of the paper here - Arches. I was wondering why it looked weird and seemed to resist the paint more. Plus it's the extra white version. Maybe it has more sizing.

Donna your landscapes are beautifully abstracted. But I know what you mean. We want more than there is there.