WIP Waves rolling in - Boat or no boat?


Contributing Member
Hi folks. Its been a while but have had lots on. I am working on this "request". It's a large seascape, 1mt X 70cm on a cheap canvas.
I chose canvas for the size that was asked for as I cannot get good paper of the size. The canvas is coated with a gesso/talc mixture for an even surface that "mostly" worked. I am struggling with the faint outlines of the centre supporting bars ..
Anyway, mostly Rembrandt's with a few sennelier.
It is very much still being worked on, foreground, waves sky etc all being actively worked on. I think I'm 3/4 done. But...... Boat/yacht or no boat? I keep remembering the anecdote if Turner putting a ref dot on a colleagues painting at an exhibition to demonstrate a highlight and engagement. It became a bouy.
Suggestions are welcome... The photo is not quite right but close enough.

I think this looks really good already, Murray, and am impressed that you can use pastels on canvas in this way. A boat might give a sense of scale and distance but then the painting becomes about that and less about the waves and beauty of the beach itself. Maybe the person who requested the painting would be able to give you some clues as to what they have in mind? Is there any way to lift the canvas from the stretcher bars on the back and insert a little padding of some sort to help alleviate the outline that is happening? Maybe something like a few folded paper towels?
Hi Murray! 👋

I agree with Donna. It really comes down to what you want your focal point to be. This is currently a beautiful seascape, rolling waves under a lovely sky. The addition of a boat (of any kind) changes the dynamic. There's a story alongside the boat, depending on how it's represented. That may be desired, and the client may have a preference too. There's also the question of scale that a boat adds.

This is beautiful right now, and I don't think a boat would hurt anything. It's more a question of adding the additional storyline. :)

Looking forward to seeing this when you're done! ❤️
I think this looks really good already, Murray, and am impressed that you can use pastels on canvas in this way. A boat might give a sense of scale and distance but then the painting becomes about that and less about the waves and beauty of the beach itself. Maybe the person who requested the painting would be able to give you some clues as to what they have in mind? Is there any way to lift the canvas from the stretcher bars on the back and insert a little padding of some sort to help alleviate the outline that is happening? Maybe something like a few folded paper towels?
Hi Donna. Yes, I pushed a sheet of think bord behind the stretchers, that helped. But there are small linear imperfections in the gesso probably from it's application. The bored helps and I can work the lines. Other texture in the gesso is there but now it's kinda balanced. Thanks for the boat hint. I'm option for no boat, and focus the play of water colours etc and sky.
Hi Murray! 👋

I agree with Donna. It really comes down to what you want your focal point to be. This is currently a beautiful seascape, rolling waves under a lovely sky. The addition of a boat (of any kind) changes the dynamic. There's a story alongside the boat, depending on how it's represented. That may be desired, and the client may have a preference too. There's also the question of scale that a boat adds.

This is beautiful right now, and I don't think a boat would hurt anything. It's more a question of adding the additional storyline. :)

Looking forward to seeing this when you're done! ❤️
Thanks for the comments Terri. I agree about boat. This is the biggest pastel I've tried, it's coming together ok. Thanks again.
Beautiful painting Murray. I agree with the opinions above. As much as I like boats I like this as is. It has a calm natural emptiness about it that I feel would be lost with a sign of mankind. I think sometimes we want to keep "improving" things but sometimes less is more.

An idea for avoiding the stretcher bar problem is something I did recently, which is to use 1/2 inch gatorboard or foam core. I stretched around and then stapled and taped the canvas on the back. It can be left that way or later removed and put on wood stretchers. I left mine on the board.
Hi John. Good idea. I saw the coreboard in the city and may try that. For now I padded the stretchers. The canvas suitably gessoed actually worked, not as smooth or toothy but holds a few layers well. It's definitely a thought for the odd acrylic.
Yes, give it a boat of some sort, even a sailboat, just below the horizon at the left 1/3rd mark. Lovely waves!
No boat camp here, I appreciate the sense of tranquility that radiates from your painting. I also really like the pattern of the waves I think a boat would distract from that.
Hi folks. Well, it's pretty close to done apart from a few small fiddles. The photo is not quite right but it's iffy light today. I am probably not going to add a boat/yacht, it would have been very distant/small, basically a white dot, but as others have pointed out, there is another story there.
The talc gesso I applied is now loosing it's tooth, so it's brush off or stop!
I did find that I could "paint" in with a brush dipped in vodka and my board dust to patch a few small gesso lines. The whole thing worked ok. Now I'm wondering just how far to push a canvas, I may try one "varnished" as a glass alternative.
Well, here it is. It will have a surround Matt of about 5-10 cm. Given the 1 meter width, it should not cut the view too much. At the corners I have 5cm border marks that give an idea. Other edge marks are centre and third markers.

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Nice finishing touches! I like using vodka for underpainting so your idea of using it along with board dust to cover imperfections makes sense to me.
Nice finish Murray. I like it without the boat: nice soft rolling waves. Growing up by the ocean I can still hear the soft drum rolll.
Normally I would say 'add a boat!' or 'add birds!' but this painting doesn't need either - the focus should be on the waves. I can practically hear them. I think a boat would detract from that. It's beautiful just as it is.
I love this. Amazing you tried it on canvas. I've seen canvas mounted on board or gator board or gator board with gesso and pumice mix. Golden and others make a gesso for board with texture. Am interested in how you finish/frame this! The painting is gorgeous as is. Applause.
Hi Triduana and Jo. Thanks so much for the encouragement. Also others who have liked etc. This work has been a while coming but I am ok with it. There are passages I'm not as happy with but ... The play of light and shadow between sun, cloud and foreground has been a struggle but works better now. Fixing a few cloud features. As much as I know the sea surface isn't quite "real" I am ok with the outcome as an "impression" . Learnt heaps. Thanks all.
Nice finish Murray. I like it without the boat: nice soft rolling waves. Growing up by the ocean I can still hear the soft drum rolll.
Hi Wayne, thanks for the complement. If you feel it, I'm happy!
This turned out beautifully, Murray! I'm loving your colorful waves. This one is all atmosphere and tranquility. You were right to decide against adding any other elements. Applause for you! ❤️