Greyhound - Xpost from Watermedia


Supporting Member
This is in Graphitint watercolor pencils and some watercolor on top, as the pencils did not seem to get dark enough values, or maybe I just need more practice with them. The drawing took maybe 15 minutes, then I fiddled for what seemed like hours on and off with applying pencil, and then water to activate the pencils. It is on Arches 140 rough, 7 x 8.

What a sweetie, Joy. It looks like a greyhound puppy. I like it a lot. The pink tinge in the grey is very good.
Just beautiful Joy! Love the pink and green to bring the gray to life. ❤️❤️
Penny - You surely render dogs beautifully, so your praise is greatly appreciated!
Margaret- Thanks for looking and the positive comment. I try to get as much color as possible in a "grey" subject.