Graham Hancock Explains the Mysteries

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you're thinking skeptical thoughts
you miss-use the word "skeptical" often:
skeptical -not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.

the statement is emphatic, not skeptical
oh dear, a skeptic
I find it hilarious that you say that as if it's a bad thing. Even accusing someone of thinking sceptical thoughts, oh no a critical thinker! :ROFLMAO:
Anybody who makes a bold statement about anything should welcome the point of view of the sceptic. If your statement can stand up to their scrutiny you might be aproaching that elusive quality you like to claim so much, truth.
If not, it's is just an airy castle in the sky, build of nothing but fantasy and wishful thinking.
The thing about pseudo-science is that it's rigor free and fun, if you're into it.
Skeptics are critical thinkers. Having your critical thinking in tact is the healthiest thing your brain can have to protect you from being brainwashed or fooled. Facts and truth need to be challenged against harsh critical dispute before it can be proven or accepted as being real, otherwise it's just a theory, if not bogus. Science is not a conspiracy against the conspiracy theorists, but they are brainwashed (convinced) to think all or most science is false. They are believers. They want so badly to believe, you can't convince them otherwise, so it's a futile argument.

I personally don't appreciate these false claims being posted. I think they are dangerous and cult-like, because they are.
Coincidentally, at the beginning of lockdown, a neighbour gave me a copy of Hancock's weighty tone. Not that I sought it. I dislike Sci-fi and Country.
I remember seeing "Chariots of the Gods" in the theater. I came out pumped with the revealed secret knowledge and a true believer. A few years later I stumbled upon a battered copy of "Crash Go The Chariots of the Gods" - by Clifford Wilson. OMG! That was my true awakening.

I'll admit a guilty pleasure. I enjoy the works of Graham Hancock, Von Danikin, etc. as entertainment. But as with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny you have to be able to discern the fanciful from the factual.
I remember reading Behold a Pale Horse in my twenties and feeling paranoid afterwards. After than, I read The Twelfth Planet. That was kooky too. I sorta believed that stuff back then, but I was young and very impressionable. I read a lot of that kind of stuff... Like I said, I was young and I was in a cult at the time too, so there's that.
I remember reading Behold a Pale Horse in my twenties and feeling paranoid afterwards. After than, I read The Twelfth Planet. That was kooky too. I sorta believed that stuff back then, but I was young and very impressionable. I read a lot of that kind of stuff... Like I said, I was young and I was in a cult at the time too, so there's that.
When I was a kid I went to church, not out of piety, but because my mate had to. I pretended to be a dog in bible class and the teacher burst out crying. Very odd. We went on a trip to see Billy Graham, I think it was, at Wembley stadium, and I got inspired by the speech and followed others to the front and backstage, but I soon backed out.
And then there was "The Hellstrom Chronical". A legend among documentarians. Watch the full 3.27 minute entro and you may never be the same.
I hope so. With animals, what you see is what you get. I hope l can come back as a sloth. I'm good at hanging around doing nothing.
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