Found Some Old Paintings of Mine







I thought I had garbaged most of my old stuff but I must have liked these. Often wondered what was in that pile on that shelf.
All paintings are 22 x 28 inches. I really enjoyed looking at the softness of the larger strokes and things. Anyway, here are 5 of them.
Can you explain what you do and don't like about them now?

I admire the first and third most, and see in the last the move to more intuitive brush strokes- although I lay odds that one looks best at a normal viewing distance of five feet or so.

What is it you see in them now?
Thanks JStarr and MrBungle.
I see realism but not photo realism...they are alive. The last is the oldest when I was learning alla prima shorthand. Can't help but love the results of where I was then. The rest are in between as I tried to force them into a style instead of forcing myself to trust the shorthand. I do know I love the larger working area but I can't afford that these days. Shame. Might even be a good artist if I had the materials. 😂😅😁
You are more than a good artist, Wayne! I like all of these but especially the first one. You paint snow like someone who knows it well, how the light affects it. It does seem that you paint looser and more expressively now and these are a nice record of your progress along the way.
Thanks Donna, Sno, and Bart..

I once watched some artist complete a plein air and her comment was.
"I will put it out of sight and one day I will see if it's my masterpiece or just more junk."
You can't get a fair assesment on painting day.
Thanks JStarr and MrBungle.
I see realism but not photo realism...they are alive. The last is the oldest when I was learning alla prima shorthand. Can't help but love the results of where I was then. The rest are in between as I tried to force them into a style instead of forcing myself to trust the shorthand. I do know I love the larger working area but I can't afford that these days. Shame. Might even be a good artist if I had the materials. 😂😅😁
That makes sense as I can see the progression. You've moved into a space where it is no longer about what you see with your eyes, but what your hand feels from the brush; how marvelous for you.
Lovely selection of paintings Wayne. Like the brushwork and compositions. Beautiful.
Love these Wayne. I'm glad you didn't throw these away! I really like the second one.
What a wonderful find! This is why you got some pushback from some of us when you talked about how you threw out your work in a recent thread. I'm sure you remember that. ;)

It's nice to look, recall your mindset, even the very corners or sections that were challenging at the time. Reflection! Seldom one's enemy.

...I just scrolled up to name a favorite or two, and can now report to you that I just love the whole set. ❤️