Exbury Gardens #3


Well-known member

Another pastel in series I’m doing on Exbury gardens. Been fussing over the fore ground water; 2 or 3 reattempts now, so having a pause..

C&C Appreciated. Thanks for looking. Arnie

Sennelier soft pastels on Yellow/Sand Sennelier pastel card 30x40 cm.
Well done.

I really like your sense of light on the tree and shrubbery on the right side- very nice. I think you could leave the very fore as it is because it is not so important to the eyepath, however, your non-lady-in-red figure on the bridge needs to be strengthened some, (lighter colored clothing? A bit more... stout? Something) and perhaps let me see a bit more into those rich, dark shadows on the left. Then, if it were me, I would want to put two or three very thin, light-valued lines horizontally across the mid to top of the tree reflections- water-marks of a sort. Almost a wide, squat, lyrical S that enters on one side and leaves on the other- not even-steven, but that kind of tossed-off mark.

Which is exactly where I would ruin in because you cannot show any hesitation in that kind of mark or it just looks... stiff.

But you look like you're pretty fair at mark-making- look at your trees and the light on them!
Another beauty of this lovely scene! I'm really admiring your light in this one, and the reflection. Your water colors are gorgeous.

I'm trying to decide if the figure in red pulls the eye away from those two elements in a way that strengthens the whole. Did her vivid color get built up to, or did you intend for it to be brighter than the tree?

I love this composition!
Wow, the trees and the light are beautiful, and I love the strong composition. I agree with Terri's comment about the figure in red - it pulls my eye away from the trees, which I think deserve to be the focal point.

I am really enjoying this series 🙂
What a gorgeous addition to your series! I think the water looks very good - those few small horizontal strokes say it all. I see what the others mean about the figure in red and the other one who doesn’t stand out. I’ll check back to see what you might do.
Beautiful! I love the pop of light on that back bush, it really draws the eye. ❤️
Thanks everyone. I started on the rework but had to stop as soon as got fingers dirty. Ah! will get back in couple of days. Busy weekend. Thanks
Well lookee there!

Well done. I think the additional reds help move the eye through the composition- and now your water sparkles, too!

PS: I'd've messed it right up trying the "lyrical S" myself- but you looked good at mark-making. The two long arching ones work.
Another beauty from you Artie! You are a master at working with those reds - just enough to catch the eye, but not so overpowering to drown out the scene
Another beauty from you Artie! You are a master at working with those reds - just enough to catch the eye, but not so overpowering to drown out the scene
Thanks CaliAnn. I was looking back on the other place recently and saw some of your lovely watercolours. Havent seen anything since lockdown. Hope I havent missed them.
Thanks CaliAnn. I was looking back on the other place recently and saw some of your lovely watercolours. Havent seen anything since lockdown. Hope I havent missed them.
Hi Arnie! I've been going through treatments for the past several months (having a hard time with them), so haven't been doing much art lately. Thank you for the compliment on my watercolors - cheered me right up! :)