Ever tried backlighting a painting?


Well-known member
Hi there. Had to share this with you guys/gals out there. I was moving a painting of mine last weekend



and walked past a sunny window and saw this!

I have seen paintings before with tiny lights inserted into the canvas to represent a streetlight or a lit house window, but not back-lit like this one. So cool I had to share. Love how the colors show up!
That works well for your painting. I used to do quite a bit of batik work and we used to display the batiks with backlighting, which gives a rich stained glass effect. I don't paint on canvas much, so have never tried to backlight paintings.
This was a total surprise for me, (had never shined a light at the back of a painting before).
I had to look up Batik and I'll bet those look quite nice! Maybe you can share an image of a fabric you did?
Yes. I sometimes tape my paper acrylic works to a window or storm door glass.
The time of day makes some interesting differences many times.
This was a total surprise for me, (had never shined a light at the back of a painting before).
I had to look up Batik and I'll bet those look quite nice! Maybe you can share an image of a fabric you did?
I made many batik scarves and also meter lengths of fabric for blouses and shirts, in addition to a few wall hangings. Everything was either sold or given away as gifts, so I have nothing to show. My stuff was influenced by Noel Dyrenforth, who I met a few times.

Hermes2020 - awwe that's a shame. I would have liked to see. Tks for sharing the link. I will check it out.
I've thought about it but haven't seen it. That's cool and a nice painting. Maybe something on yupo or paper would work better. Wouldn't see the canvas texture. Thanks for sharing.
John - Thanks. It was recommended that I check out Duralar Matte film for painting on. It's a clear film. I think it looks interesting and I might check it out.