Dimension of Imagination (apologies to Rod Serling)


Supporting Member
The title comes from an introduction to the 1960's-era TV series The Twilight Zone, for which Serling wrote these words (and several episodes). I did this a few years ago, amd the whole painting is influenced by my memories of the show.

Neopastel and Mungyo Gallery Soft oil pastels on 12x16" Arches oil paper.

Dimension of Imagination (2).JPG

All comments welcomed and appreciated. :) Thanks for looking!
Never watched Twilight Zone so no memories to relate this to but there is something about it I really like. It has an underlying sense of calm but also raises lots of questions - great work
Cool picture Terri, this captures the zone where anything might pop up and happen. (y) I was and still am a fan of Twilight Zone, the series is still in replay. :)
Thank you, Sue, Wayne, and Zen!

Sue, I'm happy it speaks to you despite your not being familiar with the series. :)

Wayne - yes, yes! :LOL: It's always either strangely shadowy, or so bright one hides their eyes!

Zen, there used to be a Twilight Zone Marathon in the few days leading up to New Year's Eve. We recorded several of them one year and did some binge-watching - it was great! ❤️ Lots of great talent wound up on those sets.
yes strangely, consuming and captivating with anticipation of our imagination. Powerful Zone
I loved that show! It was a strange one and it always made me think. What a cool painting, Terri! It's kind of a surreal world that I find oddly comforting. Nothing bad can happen under a red sun, right?
Very cool! Has a kind of de Chirico feel - the stark and lonely monuments/buildings casting their long shadows, and the lack of much in the way of human presence...
You may have noticed that artworks in certain episodes have that "out there" feel.
Love it. ❤️ It has such a sense of calm. Really not much there but you get the idea that there is a lot more there than you see.
Donna, Lamar, Sno - thank you all for the kind words! I had fun with this one and just let it be as simplistic as it wanted. I felt if I started adding little elements, it would lessen the stark impact that I usually got from the show. I'm glad it seems to strike you all in a similar way. :)
I love this so much! It does remind me of TZ, but it's my favorite show, so it's awesome for me to look at in all its color and glory. It has a better style for me that I really love. ♥️
CaliAnn, thank you so much for commenting! I'm happy it got a positive reaction from you. :)

Thank you, Hermes - glad you like it! ❤️
Love it. It definitely feels like the Twilight Zone. I haven't seen an episode in a long time but this sure captures the mood.
Thanks so much, Anne! Watching these old episodes is always fun. :)
Looking at it again, I am reminded of Giorgio de Chirico's shadowy scenes. I was offered a small, affordable Chirico bronze sculpture by a dealer once, but I was collecting Lalique then, so I stupidly didn't buy it.