Dennis Perry AKA Perry


Hello! It's time for February's Spotlight!

This month we are very excited to present our very own Dennis Perry who you may know simply as "Perry." Who knew Perry was his last name? I sure didn't. But now, see? Now I know just a little more about Dennis already. And you will too by reading our ten-question interview with this most talented artist.

We've asked Dennis to include five images of his favorite works, or ones that best represents him as an artist. Lately, I have seen some very compelling new abstract paintings of his in the Contemporary and Abstract Forum that you might also want to check out.

Well, okay, without further adieu, (or is it "ado?"), let's get to it...

1. Where are you from?

I presently live in Centerville Pa, a rural area about 45 miles southwest of Pittsburgh. I grew up near Oakdale Pa, a small town south of Pittsburgh. It was in the country and our home was across the road from a small farm. It was a great place to spend my childhood.

2. How long have you been creating art?

I went to commercial art school in 1972 so it has been about 50 years. There were breaks from art during that time especially when our children were young and since art was not my profession I could not dedicate as much time to it as I would have liked. I worked in a commercial art studio for 3 years after graduating art school, but I didn't pay enough so I went into engineering as a draftsman.


(Fog, 8"x10" gouache on paper.)

3. What is your main media?

I would have to say soft pastel although I haven't done pastels for a while. I think I have done my best work in pastel. Right now, I'm working in acrylic, and I am having some luck with it.


(Tools, 8"x10" soft pastel on paper.)

4. Who are your artistic influences?

Early on I was influenced by Norman Rockwell. I really loved his illustrations for publications. Later on, Cézanne and Vermeer. More recently it would be Morandi.


(Plane, 16"x20" soft pastel on paper.)

5. What style of art do you like to create?

Right now, I'm enjoying my attempts at abstract. I still like doing representational and I will probably return to it, but you never know, that's what keeps it interesting for me.


(Snow, 18"x26" soft pastel on paper.)

6. How is art important to you?

It's important to me for a number of reasons. It's a challenge and at my age, I'm not ready for the rocking chair and just doing things that are easy is not what I need. It is also enjoyable because you never know what surprises you will run into. Since I'm retired now, I need that sense of accomplishment in my life.

7. Outside of art, what do you do for fun?

I enjoy fishing, golfing, archery, muzzleloader shooting, and bow building. The bow building is kind of an art also. The bows I build are called selfbows. They are made just like the native Americans made them, from one piece of wood.


(Woods, 8"x10" oil on canvas.)

8. What has been your most satisfying accomplishment (art or otherwise)?

I think it would be doing the best I could for my family.

9. If you could give some piece of advice to a new artist starting out, what would it be?

Be patient and don't be too hard on yourself.

10. Do you have a website, and/or social media platforms you would like to promote?

I don't have a website.

(Bonus Question): Anything else you'd like to share?

I would like to add that going to art school was my introduction to creating art and it was very helpful to me. School is not necessary to become successful of course but if you are just starting out, I think it is something to consider.

Also, thank you Arty for giving me this opportunity and thanks for this website.
What?! Perry is really Dennis? I had no idea and will have to accept this. :) Thanks for giving us such a nice interview, Perry. Your work is beautiful with a style that is all your own. From pastels to oils, there is a sensitivity that I can always relate to and admire. The tools you have painted and the views of your basement show us that the possibilities for interesting subjects are all around us. I'm glad you're not ready for the rocking chair!
Thanks for the interview Perry. It’s great learning more about the guy behind the beautiful artwork. 💕
Congratulations Perry. Absolutely love that first and second piece. Guess I'll just have to call you Dennis.
Cool. Love the paintings, esp Snow and Woods. I do fishing and golfing also, or at least try to. :)
A pleasure to know more about you. I so enjoy your work and comments. Always learning. Pastels are my favorite, too.
Great interview , nice to meet you, Dennis. I love your art, colors and subjects.
I am also interested by your selfbows, made as the natives made them. I’d love to see one. Would like to know if you sell them.
Thanks Deforges
Making bows is just a hobby for me. I don't sell them but if I did I would probably need liability
insurance and that's something that can get expensive. I make a number of them for
my grandkids (7 boys ranging from 3 years old to 22 years old). Here are a couple of them.
That are made from elm.



Perry, those bows are really nice. I know what goes into them. I tried making some about 30 years ago, they kept breaking, so I bought myself a nice laminated recurve bow :LOL:. Beautiful the way you've constructed and finished them. (y)
Thanks Zen. I probably broke my first 10 bows and most of them followed the string
pretty bad. I have some laminated bows also but I don't shoot them much anymore.
Making selfbows can be very frustrating at times.
Very impressive paintings on a variety of subjects. Exceptional wood working too!
What a wonderful interview - nice to learn more about you, Denny! I know from looking at your paintings here that you are a talented artist, so seeing your bows is an extra treat. They're beautiful.

Woods is blowing me away, up there, btw. I can hardly drag my eyes off it! ❤️ Gorgeous painting.