Dalmation Portrait - xpost pastels


Well-known member
This is the second of 2 portraits I'm doing for a friend - (the first was the husky). It's for their grandparents 60 - yes SIXTY year anniversary. I don't do portraits anymore - except for special reasons, because I hate doing them. The photo they provided for the this one was really bad. I couldn't even see a dog in it - lol! What we ended up doing is photocpying the polaroid, then blowing it up. I then sketched out the dog based on the photocopy and then had them add the spots to the dog. I didn't agree with some of their spots, but hey, they're the customer. The dark line coming down the neck, I am sure is the muscle/ligament, but they insisted it was black - so there you have it! P.S. I xpost to try to garner more activity on some of these boards - moderators if you want me to stop, please let me know. Hard pastel on uart sanded paper 9 x 12. c&c welcome

A lovely expression again. I love the eyes and nose. If the spots are where they put them then they must be happy.
Another beautiful dog portrait! The couple who receives the set will be thrilled!
Oh, how wonderful! I can just see it moving. There is so much life to it; they will be thrilled.
Beautifully done, CaliAnn! As a fellow pet-portrait artist, I know how you feel about bad reference images. When like, literally everyone has a decent phone camera now, why is it the photos they choose for us to use are always like zoomed-out, blurry blobs from the '80s? :LOL: Isn't that a trial? Regardless, you've done a really magnificent job on this handsome dog. Congratulations on a great portrait from a challenging photo!