This is the second of 2 portraits I'm doing for a friend - (the first was the husky). It's for their grandparents 60 - yes SIXTY year anniversary. I don't do portraits anymore - except for special reasons, because I hate doing them. The photo they provided for the this one was really bad. I couldn't even see a dog in it - lol! What we ended up doing is photocpying the polaroid, then blowing it up. I then sketched out the dog based on the photocopy and then had them add the spots to the dog. I didn't agree with some of their spots, but hey, they're the customer. The dark line coming down the neck, I am sure is the muscle/ligament, but they insisted it was black - so there you have it! P.S. I xpost to try to garner more activity on some of these boards - moderators if you want me to stop, please let me know. Hard pastel on uart sanded paper 9 x 12. c&c welcome