Creativity Has No Boundaries – Agree or Disagree? | May Cockcroft


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What do you think? Is it true that art has no rules, no right or wrong? Can artists create freely without limits? Share your thoughts and ideas!
Of course artists can. That doesn't mean their work will garner any interest nor acceptance, however.

Claude Debussy had a wonderful quote to the effect that,
"Works of art make rules; rules do not make works of art."
I think it's true that it has no rules or limitations. Or at least that SHOULD be the case.

I think some people create the implication that there's rules and limits though, and unfortunately some artists get trapped in that, in seeking recognition.
Sadly, People have no rules or creativity limitations, as we can witness everyday with Ukraine and so many other sad situations.
Artists are no exceptions.

This does not mean that one is absolutely free or has an absolute Divinity-Given-Right to do what one wishes when living in Society. One should know when to stop or exercise discretion in one's expression, either for one's own good or for that of others'. OTOH there are always ways to produce anything in a way that can be accepted/justified.

But that is a problem each one has to decide on each one's conscience: since People have no limits, that also means, there will always be someone who finds merit on anything anyone can do. And someone who complains.

Nero burned Rome to make a piece of performance "Art". I think many would say he took the concept a bit too far, and yet there were flatterers around him applauding his creativity. So, what was it?

As for me, who am I to decide (other than for myself)?