Concrete Textures 1


Well-known member
As promised in the Drab and Black thread, here is the first of my dark paintings. It's part of a series of experiments in using concrete to create heavy textures on paintings. This one is 800 x 800mm, so fairly big and heavy at 10.2kg. Materials: mainly Winsor & Newton alkyd paints over rapid set concrete, anchored with stainless steel mesh in the textured areas. The panel is 3mm hardboard reinforced with MDF strips on the back.

Concrete Textures 1a.jpg
This has a Classical flavour to it for me. I love those colours. That blue!
It actually isn't a single blue, but three different blues side by side, with a light glaze of phthalo blue over all of them to pull them together.
I like how the simple shapes force me to really focus on the textures. The colors give it kind of a somber, serious feel, which is probably appropriate because of its weight! What a great piece and I look forward to seeing more!
It has a very weighty feel, and I don't mean the actual weight. The textures and that grooved line are what makes this piece (for me)
I like the simple shapes and the unequal spacing of the
bottom 3 pieces. I also like how that curved line in the
lower right portion breaks up that space. I like this.
These look like they'd be great bases for dioramas. Very rugged looking, but not messy in the slightest
This is great. I like the different textures, the colors, the whole thing. Your concrete work is so interesting. ❤️❤️
Thank you for your kind words, rodhlann, and snoball. Also Perry, your observations are spot-on, since those are some of the things I intended in the painting.
This is a superb concept that turned out excellently Hermes. I love it. The colors are actually very cool! Love the dark reds, and the blue, and those umbers! Really F'in cool! Also, it's a stunning composition. You should do more. ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
This is a superb concept that turned out excellently Hermes. I love it. The colors are actually very cool! Love the dark reds, and the blue, and those umbers! Really F'in cool! Also, it's a stunning composition. You should do more. ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
The next one is probably less accessible.