Colour names you'd like to see deleted?


Well-known member
Apparently Michael Harding is going to release a new yellow oil colour after testing. The pigment yellow 216 or PY216, used in plastics and car paints. It contains titanium, tin, and zinc, but perhaps because that doesn't roll off the tongue so well it's going to be called Turner's Yellow instead.
Schmincke already have this released in their Norma range with three variations under the names of Chrome yellow hue. Both are historically redundant pigments, but the names are still used, in this case with PY216 as the replacement.

I don't use watercolour so the name Turners yellow is fairly meaningless to me, but Chrome yellow hue (or extra) bugs me somewhat. Its not that lead yellow from my extreme youth so please stop calling it that. Anyway dear readers; are there paint names that you'd like to see got rid of?

PS; wonder if we need a "Materials and" added to the "studio tips" sub forum. If it was there, this is where the question would go, but as it's not a studio tip question in any sense of the word here it is in the Art Talk.
I am a proponent of the use of pigment codes. The system works well on the whole, with some small imperfections, but is more useful to me than the sometimes silly names used by most manufacturers. It's probably my chemistry background that makes PY216 on the label much more useful to me than the name Turner's Yellow.
The use of pigment codes confuse me, but the names of colors are not consistent across all manufactures so that is also useless to me as well.

I can add a materials subforum, but I'm afraid people may not use it and post in this, or different forums anyway. I can wait to see what others have to say. ;)
The use of pigment codes confuse me, but the names of colors are not consistent across all manufactures so that is also useless to me as well.

I can add a materials subforum, but I'm afraid people may not use it and post in this, or different forums anyway. I can wait to see what others have to say. ;)
Well the pigment codes don't always mean the same colour so there's that as well.

I don't know how easy it is to do, but I'd just change ( if at all :) ) the title of 'Studio Tips.' to 'Materials and Studio tips.' I don't think you'd want another subforum. In fact; and this is just personally; I think the less the better. I wouldn't even have there be different painting subforums for the different media*. Just have 'Painting'. I'm more interested in the images made, than what they're made with. It's only after the fact I have the interest in how it was done. Illogically, in spite of this I find myself in the cul-de-sac of just looking in the oils sub-section because that's what I use. When really I should be using all of them. (*Just a voice of one of course.)
Hi Mark, I appreciate your feedback, and I would consider the Studio Tips name change, but not change anything else on the structure of the forums. Thanks though! ;)
Just noticed the sub-forum name change of 'Studio Tips' to 'Studio Tips and Materials'! :love: Perhaps that sounds better than Materials and Studio Tips, and anyway it keeps the original title in the forefront.

Thank you very much.