Cobalt Glads in Profile


Well-known member
So, since finishing DH's office room, (I get a studio, he gets an "office") we have been getting the outside of the house ready to paint- exhausting work trimming back nasty mesquite trees and the rose garden, especially. In-between, I did a 10" x 10" work of the gladiolas in profile on the bowl, and finished it this morning after finishing the rose beds.

I have a silver frame for it (hence its size) and will likely use a subdued blue-green-gray narrow mat.

And then hand it off to my SinL for Christmas. (Will also tip in a couple highlights on the bowl- just enough to make it shine a bit).

Sharp eyes always welcomed- let me know what I missed.


  • cobaltgladiolasinprofilefinal.jpg
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I love your work. Always. I do have a question about the shadow? under the flowers. Is it a shadow? It kinda looks like smoke. The light blue circle under the vase also confuses me. It sorta looks like water, but I think it's supposed to be...something else. Can you help me? I'm trying to see what I'm supposed to be seeing, but sometimes my brain doesn't work as well as others. :(

The vase/bowl and the flowers are gorgeous, as they always are in your paintings. :) And you are so good with light. ♥️
Refracted light- it's one reason I like using the bowl- light shines through it and leaves that refracted-blue light shadow. I've darkened it some more up close to the bowl's bottom, so that edge is not so hard; melty there now.

Otherwise, time to get more house-work (as opposed to household chores) done. Exterior painting next. Lots of small jobs to do to get it ready for paint.

Home ownership: good use of money, but way too much like work.
Your glads are gorgeous! And I love this palette. I like your idea to add some highlights to the bowl, and think this is going to be amazing in a silver frame. Wonderful! ❤️
Jae, you already know I like this and I always love that beautiful blue you put in most of your paintings. Gorgeous! ❤️
Thank you- it's put away and cleaned up as we get some house work done so we can get it painted right after the holidays. I'm toying with the idea of a landscape still life- if it works, you'll see.

It got some very soft highlights and a much darker shadow underneath by the bowl's foot- it seems happy with them. ;)
Lovely work! I really like the composition, I'm used to seeing glads vertically so this is a nice change. Love the contrasting colours too.