By the river


Contributing Member
This is a little watercolour about 5 x 7”. It was our river where we used to go hang out. It was our watering hole and the fishing spot.
I did it one night when I couldn’t sleep.
How lovely! The framing of the river here is beautiful. I really like the hanging branch, too - nice touch!
Thanks Terri and Jo. This was fun to see come together. Someone who paints with watercolour, told me they had no idea watercolour could be used in thick, dark areas. She thought watercolours were only for light washes.
That’s beautiful and I can see why it brings back good memories! I’d love to spend a summer there.
PaintBoss, that is a gorgeous landscape! What I find challenging is the leaves you painted in front .. they are difficult to paint and set as you did and yours is so well done. Beautiful greens and water.
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How did I miss this? Nice. Impressed you do this so small. I like how you got the light on the dark foreground leaves, in addition to all the other good stuff.

I sometimes wonder about this kind framing with the foreground, but you just showed how nice it can be. Feels like I'm there.
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Thank you, JOHN. I did that one night when I couldn’t sleep. As far as the foreground, I decided I did not want to go darker like a black as people like to use in a silhouette manner. It would be too heavy, and not harmonious with what’s already there. And I decided not to go a uniform blue. I wanted to see a little bit of changing low light on the plants. Hopefully adding depth. So it is a serene little painting, but that little bit in the foreground I think makes it a little bit magical like I remembered in fairytale illustrations. The feeling I remember as a kid finding a special little place to hideaway and watch the world go by in the summer. 🙂 I’m really glad you like it. Thank you so much for your comments!
Beautiful, it looks like somewhere I could sit for hours. Really like how you framed the landscape and the branch that comes down through the centre is a lovely detail.