What did you think of the Opening Ceremonies of the Paris Olympics?


Contributing Member
I was not available to watch it live. But I was keeping up to date on my phone with periodic checks of the coverage. And of course I heard about the downpour and how awful it was. And so many bad reviews. You couldn’t hear the performers properly. The performers couldn’t hear properly. It was very disjointed and fractured. And the rain rain rain rain rain. Disaster! Some people thought it was too much history. And that Paris tried to think out of the box but this was a failure.
I almost never watched the replay. I was watched the CBC which is the Canadian broadcasting Corporations coverage of the Olympics which is always fantastic.
Well yes it can be slow and long getting all the athletes they’re welcoming in from all the countries. But… It was fabulous! Absolutely fabulous, and it will be very hard to beat this. It reminded me of Greece’s mesmerizing opening ceremony. These countries have so much history to build on. I liked Britain’s, China’s, and liked Norway’s- which was much quieter and intimate. Not so much the blowup hockey players of my own country.
It is a long watch but it is well worth it. Wow the creativity and the history was a magical mix. And they used everything. The river in different ways, the architecture in different ways, just amazing. It’s very artistic. I feel sorry that they were being called an embarrassment or Les Miserable in some papers. They should be proud. They all persevered through the rain, tricky for many performers.
I don’t know if you can get the CBC. If you have a VPN and change it to a Canada location, Gem is their streaming channel and is free to use. You might have to give an email. Whether that would indicate your are outside Canada, I don’t know. And I think probably in a week or two, if not sooner, we will see the whole ceremony on YouTube. It eventually gets there. It’s really worth watching. As a commentator said, it surprised us and kept us entertained and was quite remarkable. It just gets stronger the longer it goes on.
I had completely forgotten the games were even on this year, until a few days ago when my sister-in-law wished our team good luck in a Facebook post. I'm out of touch, I tell you.
I watched it. Not really something that really impressed me but I also didn't think it was bad.
I had completely forgotten the games were even on this year, until a few days ago when my sister-in-law wished our team good luck in a Facebook post. I'm out of touch, I tell you.
The way this world’s going Brian, that may not be a bad thing!😉
I watched it. Not really something that really impressed me but I also didn't think it was bad.
Yes it wasn’t a disaster like so many are saying. And now there is this whole Last Supper scene they did that’s causing such an uproar. Many are offended. They may have a point. But I missed it. I got up to leave the room and I heard the commentators discussing the Last Supper/ painting. I never actually saw it. I missed the controversy!
Yes it wasn’t a disaster like so many are saying. And now there is this whole Last Supper scene they did that’s causing such an uproar. Many are offended. They may have a point. But I missed it. I got up to leave the room and I heard the commentators discussing the Last Supper/ painting. I never actually saw it. I missed the controversy!
I saw that part and wasn't the least bit offended. Its an often copied painting.
And honestly from other things said by those offended I think most of those angry about it would have found a reason to be angry no matter what it was.
For me personally I wasn’t offended. I found it very humorous. Artistic visions are often very daring and even controversial.
Kay, was it that part of it that you didn’t like or was it just the overall design of ceremony? I can understand why some people would be offended. It’s just smart not to put a religious scene of any kind or connotation in a ceremony. I would just leave that out. There’s different beliefs all around the world, we don’t have to highlight one in satire. but I thought the rest of it was really cool. I think we had the better seats at home though!
Didn't see it but I'm not shocked that the French might have been risqué or scandalous. :)

Both French derived words.
I thought it was too much a nonreal event. a tableau for the cameras but not the people of Paris. Which is ironic given that it was set along key areas of the city, but what would the average Parisian see? A sanitised can-can dance on the other side of the river? and then watch a series of different boats go past, "A qui appartient ce drapeau??" The Balloon torch was a good idea though as all the city will see it.
I liked it. Best opening since China imo. Didn’t hear it wasn’t well reviewed until now. Don’t understand the complaints. What were people expecting? I think the rain was awesome.. the performances, idk about French much, but it seemed cultural? The boats were cool.
Oh they are getting hammered, and have had to remove the Final Dinner scene from replay of the Opening Ceremonies. Some of the criticism was overblown. I loved the creativity and history and how they used everything around to play out their vision too.
Yes. Well these days, more than ever, people are quick to get offended. No more “water off a duck’s back” or rolling with things even if you don’t like something.
I liked it. Best opening since China imo. Didn’t hear it wasn’t well reviewed until now. Don’t understand the complaints. What were people expecting? I think the rain was awesome.. the performances, idk about French much, but it seemed cultural? The boats were cool.
I agree with all of that. I really enjoyed it! I like that Paris did something different. Sadly missed the beginning (I allowed myself 6 hours to do a 5 hour journey and it took 8). I thought the rain added to it. Loved the flag bearer going down the Seine. Gojira / Marie Antoinette at the Conciergerie were awesome (dark, very cool). Fun flamey balloon. The rest of it was equally fun, interesting and bonkers. It was also fun seeing various bits of Paris (one of my favourite places). What had it got to do with the Olympics? No idea. Made me look forward to my next trip to Fenace though.