What did you think of the Opening Ceremonies of the Paris Olympics?

Yeah, that’s the way I looked at it. I saw a lot of humour and daring in it. I love the guy who ran through the city and the rooftops. I like that they showed some dark in their history. I fully expected them to be a bit cheeky.
I only watched Celine Dion's performance. I was so glad to see that, after all she's gone through, she was able to perform again because I don't think she or anyone else was confident that she'd be able to do that. I have ROKU tv and only watch Youtube usually so I haven't been keeping up with the coverage. My late husband (gone 24 years now) was an avid follower of the Olympics and I watched, too, but mostly I loved the ice skating.
I love the winter Olympics especially for the ice skating too Ellen.
You are so right regarding Celine. Even if you weren’t a fan, but knew the major health issues she has been facing- especially with her voice- it was pretty emotional seeing Celine sing like her old self again. Knowing, noise, stress, excitement, etc can set her off into painful, bone breaking convulsions…and her voice could not do or sound even as good as any out-of-tune-anybody… Wow, she accomplished a great personal and professional achievement! She sounded great. I didn’t think we’d ever see her perform like that again.
Your memories of your late husband watching the Olympics with you demonstrates how certain events end up representing certain times in our lives. So many memories. I treasure memories of times in my life with certain people, or just taking me back to my more youthful self that these events represent. It can be a comforting, powerful reminder of past times, those we love.
The figure skating was soooo exciting in the late 1970’s and 1980’s early 90’s. Not alway fair. But amazing.
I missed the opening and commentary. I don't care for satire in events where people have worked so hard for years to get there. I think praise for well done and be proud of your country. Although I admire the athletes, we don't usually watch.
The big controversy was with what some called the "Last Supper" bit with the transexuals. But I don't see it as that, and believe the art director's explanation of it being a Pagan feast with Greek references. It did have Dionysus in it. But try to find it on YT . It's been scrubbed. But the YT channels expressing the most outrage about it are there and they are getting the most views and subscribers. Outrage and hyperbole sells.
Yes indeed. Although our commentators on the CBC, which is the Canadian broadcasting corporation who covers the Olympics, are given a script of what to expect. Not what to say -it’s the information / descriptions to help them commentate through the ceremony. They did call it The Last Supper. So who knows. Wicked satire? Personally, I’m not fussed about any of it.
The big controversy was with what some called the "Last Supper" bit with the transexuals. But I don't see it as that, and believe the art director's explanation of it being a Pagan feast with Greek references. It did have Dionysus in it. But try to find it on YT . It's been scrubbed. But the YT channels expressing the most outrage about it are there and they are getting the most views and subscribers. Outrage and hyperbole sells.
"Transexual" is an outdated word for both men and women in drag (gay or straight) and the transgender community. It's now considered rather derogatory. I only noticed some men in drag. I couldn't tell you more about them than that.
"Transexual" is an outdated word for both men and women in drag (gay or straight) and the transgender community. It's now considered rather derogatory. I only noticed some men in drag. I couldn't tell you more about them than that.

Oh. Sorry. I guess I'm still back in the Rocky Horror Picture Show years. I should have asked my daughter.
It's probably good to know what's going on, and most people can and will be patient with mistakes and slip-ups. However, it's not everyone's job to educate the world. I've often been bombarded with questions from close friends, and it can get awkward and even inappropriate, bordering on an invasion of my privacy. Often, people become angry that they have to change their language for marginalized people and want things to stay the same as they always were, even centuries ago. And some of those old words can be so offensive, they can provoke violence in certain groups, depending. But to each their own. ;) ♥️
The big controversy was with what some called the "Last Supper" bit with the transexuals. But I don't see it as that, and believe the art director's explanation of it being a Pagan feast with Greek references. It did have Dionysus in it. But try to find it on YT . It's been scrubbed. But the YT channels expressing the most outrage about it are there and they are getting the most views and subscribers. Outrage and hyperbole sells.

Still haven't seen the ceremony, and probably won't bother, but I see it was in fact a reference to a much more obscure painting (which might now become famous):

I caught that too. The big clue was the Dionysus,God of Wine.-“god of wine-making, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, festivity, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre.” Wikipedia.
It totally fits, but is obscure to many viewers. They would know The Last Supper from the Christian faith and think it was that. Unfortunately this reaction is the result. The Greek reference suits the mood of the ceremony but perhaps the planners should have recognized the high possibility of confusion and the resulting offence of many viewers. And perhaps the Olympics committee could’ve explained that better in their notes for commentators ceremony coverage.
I caught that too. The big clue was the Dionysus,God of Wine.-“god of wine-making, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, festivity, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre.” Wikipedia.
It totally fits, but is obscure to many viewers. They would know The Last Supper from the Christian faith and think it was that. Unfortunately this reaction is the result. The Greek reference suits the mood of the ceremony but perhaps the planners should have recognized the high possibility of confusion and the resulting offence of many viewers. And perhaps the Olympics committee could’ve explained that better in their notes for commentators ceremony coverage.

It strikes me as very French. Apparently the painting is very well known in France itself, and of course, the French simply couldn't care less whether anyone else understands their language or culture! :D
I almost missed this conversation.
I watched the opening and I think it was spectacular and unique. I enjoyed every moment of it. I think only the French and Paris can make Olympics opening look as amazing as it was.
They definitely had many amazing aspects and wanted to put their unique stamp on the games. They dared to be different.
I thought i saw a a guillotine Maybenartist? We saw Antoinette’s bloody head. They didn’t shy away from much.
PaintBoss, I recall seeing guillotine there. I felt like in a theater when watching the whole thing.
I thought so. Our Canadian commentators on the CBC are pretty easy-going but even they expressed a little shock seeing that! Lol the French did not shy away from their history