Bird Exercises in Watercolor from Tom Shepherd's Book


Supporting Member
These are from Tom Shepherd's Simply Paint Birds book. He paints in a loose style and has some simple steps for a few dozen different birds. His YT channel features a lot of loose animals and bright hues. In an attempt to simplify my subjects and loosen up a bit, I followed his instructions. The first several are attached, as I am starting from the beginning. I am using up different types of sample papers that I didn't really like that well. Results are varied.


Birds 1.jpeg

Birds 2.jpeg


Wow! These are terrific paintings. I love the way you have got the paints to work for you on the paper. And the poses are so good. There is also a wonderful sense of movement in the birds in flight and the swan.
These look great. I like the colors used, the dynamism and the contrast. Good work!
Lovely! I think the style works particularly well with the darker colours. The crow is brilliant!
Thanks ever so much to all for the kind words! I basically followed his drawings and limited palette, along with the steps to paint them. Generally I don't do things like that, but I hoped I would learn to simplify. There are still many more birds to do in the book, as I am working my way through slowly.
These are beautiful! Great poses and textures. And I really like the colors in the penguins.
Joy, I can't tell you how much I love these! Just what I look for in excellent watercolor painting. They are fantastic! ♥️