Art and Humor

Gosh, I don't believe I have EVER pitched a piece of my art in my life. Some pieces go over better with judges than others, for sure, but I treat every piece of art as though it will hang in a place of prominence some day. My attitude is based upon a specific "discipline" I adopted, when I first began painting, and it has seemed to have paid off throughout the years. That discipline has prevented me from "pitching" any piece of art that I didn't feel was "working out", while I was working on it. If I hadn't set that discipline in place, I would NEVER have created any piece of art that I have created, perfectionist that I tend to be. Well.......I'm sorry, but I just never throw away ANY of my art. Oh, I have GIVEN some away, and offered a couple to charity auctions, but I have never thrown any piece of my art away, or put it aside while it was in progress.
Horses for courses.

Picasso painted over a lot of his paintings. Matisse wiped the paint off and started again, many times. Bacon often got his neighbour to cut them up and placed the pieces into an incinerator.

I had a few which became untouchable for me due to altered attitudes/discipline, or simply growing up over time. What was once ripe became rotten.

Painting over them, knowing what's underneath, can subconsciously taint the outcome. The subconscious is often a powerful subtle foe that only reveals itself afterwards - when your own perceptions and expectations are off guard or uncensored. Our thoughts points to what we secretly want to see or not see.

After losing a treasured painting in a house fire, it's not so hard to sacrifice others.