Art and Humor

True. But popularity is not a good way to judge artistic merit! Especially when advertising is involved.

Kids were drawing those funky "S" symbols back when I was in grade school... and my students are still making them. :oops:

And down here in South Africa they are also seemingly endlessly popular. One can imagine an art history student doing an M thesis about the matter. :-)
The painting on the left is edgier. As a comment on society from an extremely cynical perspective it has more socio-political relevance. and everyone is bored of Studio Ghibli thus it got more likes from the jaded "art" world . Maybe.
Ideed, we shouldn't dismiss her art just because the poor woman looks wildly attractive.
Even though there were a lot of duplicates, when I found this thread I could not stop scrolling! My contributions are below. Someone mat take offense, but such is the nature of humor. The last one I was going to post this weekend, but thought some may feel it was distasteful on Easter.

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